Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200701101700.dump
FileSize: 987.60MB
Id: 200701101700
StartTime: Wed Jan 10 17:00:01 2007
EndTime: Wed Jan 10 17:15:01 2007
TotalTime: 899.98 seconds
TotalCapSize: 773.70MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 13925556 (8608.22MB)
AvgRate: 80.23Mbps stddev:7.76M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 481623 (avg. 28.91 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
1.7% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 239883
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
17.1% 6.2% 6.0% 4.1% 3.2% 2.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.7% 1.7%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1721
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
49.5% 49.5% 22.0% 22.0% 4.6% 2.9% 2.5% 2.3% 2.1% 1.6%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    3349545
 [   64-  127]:    3919778
 [  128-  255]:     428421
 [  256-  511]:     375630
 [  512- 1023]:     415798
 [ 1024- 2047]:    5436384

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         13925556 (100.00%)       9026371685 (100.00%)    648.19
 ip            13834830 ( 99.35%)       8988802265 ( 99.58%)    649.72
  tcp          11643013 ( 83.61%)       8658530202 ( 95.92%)    743.67
   http(s)      4851311 ( 34.84%)       6262371974 ( 69.38%)   1290.86
   http(c)      3052986 ( 21.92%)        409170269 (  4.53%)    134.02
   squid         371721 (  2.67%)        238477038 (  2.64%)    641.55
   smtp          383924 (  2.76%)        105801090 (  1.17%)    275.58
   nntp           13889 (  0.10%)          6969589 (  0.08%)    501.81
   ftp            34554 (  0.25%)          4676324 (  0.05%)    135.33
   pop3           10052 (  0.07%)          1513672 (  0.02%)    150.58
   imap            4102 (  0.03%)          1738662 (  0.02%)    423.86
   telnet          1228 (  0.01%)           126951 (  0.00%)    103.38
   ssh            45513 (  0.33%)         21527392 (  0.24%)    472.99
   dns             5492 (  0.04%)          1938215 (  0.02%)    352.92
   bgp             1348 (  0.01%)           207413 (  0.00%)    153.87
   napster          105 (  0.00%)            56842 (  0.00%)    541.35
   realaud           21 (  0.00%)             2261 (  0.00%)    107.67
   rtsp           80923 (  0.58%)         70400351 (  0.78%)    869.97
   icecast         8115 (  0.06%)         11751682 (  0.13%)   1448.14
   other        2777705 ( 19.95%)       1521799037 ( 16.86%)    547.86
  udp           1840410 ( 13.22%)        287933391 (  3.19%)    156.45
   dns          1580645 ( 11.35%)        205098467 (  2.27%)    129.76
   realaud         5470 (  0.04%)          2649950 (  0.03%)    484.45
   halflif           19 (  0.00%)             1561 (  0.00%)     82.16
   starcra           12 (  0.00%)             1587 (  0.00%)    132.25
   everque           29 (  0.00%)             3481 (  0.00%)    120.03
   unreal             2 (  0.00%)              173 (  0.00%)     86.50
   quake             14 (  0.00%)             1227 (  0.00%)     87.64
   cuseeme           10 (  0.00%)              809 (  0.00%)     80.90
   other         253983 (  1.82%)         80159558 (  0.89%)    315.61
  icmp           261391 (  1.88%)         21826328 (  0.24%)     83.50
  ip6              6611 (  0.05%)          8007493 (  0.09%)   1211.24
  other           83405 (  0.60%)         12504851 (  0.14%)    149.93
  frag             4203 (  0.03%)          3257114 (  0.04%)    774.95
 ip6              90723 (  0.65%)         37569240 (  0.42%)    414.11
  tcp6            26108 (  0.19%)         20156813 (  0.22%)    772.06
   http(s)          873 (  0.01%)           829638 (  0.01%)    950.33
   http(c)          586 (  0.00%)           108451 (  0.00%)    185.07
   smtp             188 (  0.00%)            64479 (  0.00%)    342.97
   ftp               34 (  0.00%)             3513 (  0.00%)    103.32
   pop3              45 (  0.00%)             4034 (  0.00%)     89.64
   ssh              825 (  0.01%)            87449 (  0.00%)    106.00
   dns               18 (  0.00%)             2277 (  0.00%)    126.50
   bgp              128 (  0.00%)            13550 (  0.00%)    105.86
   icecast        19806 (  0.14%)         18605934 (  0.21%)    939.41
   other           3605 (  0.03%)           437488 (  0.00%)    121.36
  udp6            41844 (  0.30%)          6958071 (  0.08%)    166.29
   dns            39725 (  0.29%)          6714255 (  0.07%)    169.02
   other           2119 (  0.02%)           243816 (  0.00%)    115.06
  icmp6           12272 (  0.09%)          2110409 (  0.02%)    171.97
  ip6              2230 (  0.02%)           270787 (  0.00%)    121.43
  ipsec6           2850 (  0.02%)           372508 (  0.00%)    130.70
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           5389 (  0.04%)          7696572 (  0.09%)   1428.20

tcpdump file: 200701101700.dump.gz (373.32 MB)