Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200701110515.dump
FileSize: 717.22MB
Id: 200701110515
StartTime: Thu Jan 11 05:15:01 2007
EndTime: Thu Jan 11 05:30:00 2007
TotalTime: 899.27 seconds
TotalCapSize: 562.68MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 10125828 (6298.79MB)
AvgRate: 58.76Mbps stddev:5.72M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 476755 (avg. 21.24 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
2.9% 2.9% 2.2% 2.0% 1.8% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 281019
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
30.3% 9.8% 7.1% 5.2% 3.1% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 2.2%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1299
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
39.2% 37.7% 32.9% 32.9% 15.2% 15.2% 1.5% 1.2% 1.2% 0.8%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    2037206
 [   64-  127]:    3391452
 [  128-  255]:     284430
 [  256-  511]:     195646
 [  512- 1023]:     153168
 [ 1024- 2047]:    4063926

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         10125828 (100.00%)       6604763321 (100.00%)    652.27
 ip             9820447 ( 96.98%)       6551475695 ( 99.19%)    667.13
  tcp           7738015 ( 76.42%)       6290982564 ( 95.25%)    813.00
   http(s)      3364677 ( 33.23%)       4595967641 ( 69.59%)   1365.95
   http(c)      1644826 ( 16.24%)        176196384 (  2.67%)    107.12
   squid         355934 (  3.52%)        266692779 (  4.04%)    749.28
   smtp          318447 (  3.14%)         68772014 (  1.04%)    215.96
   nntp           12097 (  0.12%)          5947743 (  0.09%)    491.67
   ftp            37770 (  0.37%)          3200288 (  0.05%)     84.73
   pop3            1343 (  0.01%)           636402 (  0.01%)    473.87
   imap            1593 (  0.02%)           116242 (  0.00%)     72.97
   telnet           122 (  0.00%)             8401 (  0.00%)     68.86
   ssh            20026 (  0.20%)          2133109 (  0.03%)    106.52
   dns             3668 (  0.04%)           494016 (  0.01%)    134.68
   bgp              844 (  0.01%)            94903 (  0.00%)    112.44
   napster           13 (  0.00%)              806 (  0.00%)     62.00
   realaud           11 (  0.00%)              825 (  0.00%)     75.00
   rtsp             200 (  0.00%)            68667 (  0.00%)    343.33
   icecast        17301 (  0.17%)         16609808 (  0.25%)    960.05
   hotline           32 (  0.00%)             2406 (  0.00%)     75.19
   other        1959097 ( 19.35%)       1154039290 ( 17.47%)    589.07
  udp           1652171 ( 16.32%)        218156854 (  3.30%)    132.04
   dns          1476074 ( 14.58%)        168510141 (  2.55%)    114.16
   realaud            3 (  0.00%)              245 (  0.00%)     81.67
   halflif           18 (  0.00%)             1436 (  0.00%)     79.78
   starcra           11 (  0.00%)             1474 (  0.00%)    134.00
   everque           13 (  0.00%)             1490 (  0.00%)    114.62
   unreal            15 (  0.00%)             1389 (  0.00%)     92.60
   quake             16 (  0.00%)             1343 (  0.00%)     83.94
   cuseeme            6 (  0.00%)              522 (  0.00%)     87.00
   other         175999 (  1.74%)         49633618 (  0.75%)    282.01
  icmp           421917 (  4.17%)         34144314 (  0.52%)     80.93
  ip6              6570 (  0.06%)          7964168 (  0.12%)   1212.20
  other            1774 (  0.02%)           227795 (  0.00%)    128.41
  frag              227 (  0.00%)           178836 (  0.00%)    787.82
 ip6             305378 (  3.02%)         53287446 (  0.81%)    174.50
  tcp6           255933 (  2.53%)         38193550 (  0.58%)    149.23
   http(s)           39 (  0.00%)            28500 (  0.00%)    730.77
   http(c)           22 (  0.00%)             2374 (  0.00%)    107.91
   smtp             331 (  0.00%)           106232 (  0.00%)    320.94
   ftp           233387 (  2.30%)         20081248 (  0.30%)     86.04
   dns                5 (  0.00%)              702 (  0.00%)    140.40
   bgp              126 (  0.00%)            13406 (  0.00%)    106.40
   icecast        18541 (  0.18%)         17524931 (  0.27%)    945.20
   other           3482 (  0.03%)           436157 (  0.01%)    125.26
  udp6            32726 (  0.32%)          5553906 (  0.08%)    169.71
   dns            30685 (  0.30%)          5320344 (  0.08%)    173.39
   other           2041 (  0.02%)           233562 (  0.00%)    114.44
  icmp6            9696 (  0.10%)          1539631 (  0.02%)    158.79
  ip6              1551 (  0.02%)           269736 (  0.00%)    173.91
  pim6               61 (  0.00%)             7212 (  0.00%)    118.23
  other6           5411 (  0.05%)          7723411 (  0.12%)   1427.35

tcpdump file: 200701110515.dump.gz (261.62 MB)