Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: -
Id: 200803190215
StartTime: Wed Mar 19 02:15:01 2008
EndTime: Wed Mar 19 02:30:00 2008
TotalTime: 899.85 seconds
TotalCapSize: 724.23MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 13073152 (8208.59MB)
AvgRate: 76.54Mbps stddev:11.32M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 810311 (avg. 16.13 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
16.0% 4.5% 1.5% 1.2% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 439966
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
21.4% 16.5% 8.2% 8.1% 5.8% 4.9% 4.6% 2.4% 2.3% 2.2%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1629
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
56.5% 51.9% 7.6% 6.2% 3.9% 3.1% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.5%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    2563213
 [   64-  127]:    3737933
 [  128-  255]:     732179
 [  256-  511]:     610336
 [  512- 1023]:     226760
 [ 1024- 2047]:    5202731

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         13073152 (100.00%)       8607328765 (100.00%)    658.40
 ip            13044313 ( 99.78%)       8598517900 ( 99.90%)    659.18
  tcp          10174846 ( 77.83%)       7839150784 ( 91.08%)    770.44
   http(s)      2858259 ( 21.86%)       3910472392 ( 45.43%)   1368.13
   http(c)      1511731 ( 11.56%)        162794760 (  1.89%)    107.69
   squid         897121 (  6.86%)        657922780 (  7.64%)    733.37
   smtp          854496 (  6.54%)        139638925 (  1.62%)    163.42
   ftp            63468 (  0.49%)          5377908 (  0.06%)     84.73
   pop3            4237 (  0.03%)          2046342 (  0.02%)    482.97
   imap            2905 (  0.02%)           565833 (  0.01%)    194.78
   telnet          2578 (  0.02%)           165991 (  0.00%)     64.39
   ssh           497090 (  3.80%)        412928728 (  4.80%)    830.69
   dns             9168 (  0.07%)         10704391 (  0.12%)   1167.58
   bgp              211 (  0.00%)            68817 (  0.00%)    326.15
   napster            6 (  0.00%)              507 (  0.00%)     84.50
   realaud            6 (  0.00%)              388 (  0.00%)     64.67
   rtsp             547 (  0.00%)           238981 (  0.00%)    436.89
   icecast          366 (  0.00%)            24798 (  0.00%)     67.75
   hotline            3 (  0.00%)              198 (  0.00%)     66.00
   other        3472649 ( 26.56%)       2536198691 ( 29.47%)    730.34
  udp           2269294 ( 17.36%)        707122007 (  8.22%)    311.60
   dns          1075043 (  8.22%)        158698352 (  1.84%)    147.62
   realaud         9200 (  0.07%)          5482913 (  0.06%)    595.97
   halflif           35 (  0.00%)             4460 (  0.00%)    127.43
   starcra           39 (  0.00%)             7484 (  0.00%)    191.90
   everque           28 (  0.00%)             4321 (  0.00%)    154.32
   unreal            50 (  0.00%)             6063 (  0.00%)    121.26
   quake             14 (  0.00%)             1723 (  0.00%)    123.07
   cuseeme            4 (  0.00%)              531 (  0.00%)    132.75
   other        1184845 (  9.06%)        542896233 (  6.31%)    458.20
  icmp           587678 (  4.50%)         50457229 (  0.59%)     85.86
  ipip              335 (  0.00%)            41864 (  0.00%)    124.97
  ip6              1068 (  0.01%)           147306 (  0.00%)    137.93
  other           11092 (  0.08%)          1598710 (  0.02%)    144.13
  frag             1756 (  0.01%)          1478613 (  0.02%)    842.03
 ip6              28839 (  0.22%)          8810865 (  0.10%)    305.52
  tcp6             4117 (  0.03%)           708002 (  0.01%)    171.97
   http(c)         1352 (  0.01%)           138290 (  0.00%)    102.29
   smtp             750 (  0.01%)           336618 (  0.00%)    448.82
   pop3              59 (  0.00%)             5868 (  0.00%)     99.46
   bgp               61 (  0.00%)             6323 (  0.00%)    103.66
   other           1895 (  0.01%)           220903 (  0.00%)    116.57
  udp6            16521 (  0.13%)          2907893 (  0.03%)    176.01
   dns            15033 (  0.11%)          2609165 (  0.03%)    173.56
   other           1488 (  0.01%)           298728 (  0.00%)    200.76
  icmp6            4673 (  0.04%)           617198 (  0.01%)    132.08
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           3498 (  0.03%)          4573692 (  0.05%)   1307.52

tcpdump file: 200803190215.dump.gz (327.20 MB)