Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200903300700.dump
FileSize: 716.04MB
Id: 200903300700
StartTime: Mon Mar 30 07:00:01 2009
EndTime: Mon Mar 30 07:15:00 2009
TotalTime: 899.47 seconds
TotalCapSize: 557.55MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 10386123 (6844.44MB)
AvgRate: 63.81Mbps stddev:9.25M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 669687 (avg. 15.51 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
4.9% 3.0% 2.9% 2.5% 1.7% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 371233
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
16.6% 10.1% 9.2% 6.9% 5.2% 5.0% 3.3% 3.2% 3.2% 2.9%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1761
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
38.9% 21.1% 18.2% 14.2% 12.0% 9.3% 8.7% 6.1% 5.0% 2.3%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    2107811
 [   64-  127]:    2547091
 [  128-  255]:     634074
 [  256-  511]:     346000
 [  512- 1023]:     317786
 [ 1024- 2047]:    4433361

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         10386123 (100.00%)       7176911977 (100.00%)    691.01
 ip            10360658 ( 99.75%)       7169830235 ( 99.90%)    692.02
  tcp           7848961 ( 75.57%)       6115551446 ( 85.21%)    779.15
   http(s)      3394757 ( 32.69%)       4596126211 ( 64.04%)   1353.89
   http(c)      1452784 ( 13.99%)        116916894 (  1.63%)     80.48
   squid         275435 (  2.65%)         81983738 (  1.14%)    297.65
   smtp          234735 (  2.26%)         38055330 (  0.53%)    162.12
   ftp           149331 (  1.44%)        166900412 (  2.33%)   1117.65
   pop3            3692 (  0.04%)          1468656 (  0.02%)    397.79
   imap            1847 (  0.02%)           339605 (  0.00%)    183.87
   telnet           987 (  0.01%)            81607 (  0.00%)     82.68
   ssh           491599 (  4.73%)         58814015 (  0.82%)    119.64
   dns            11021 (  0.11%)          1138012 (  0.02%)    103.26
   bgp              152 (  0.00%)            48932 (  0.00%)    321.92
   napster          108 (  0.00%)             6570 (  0.00%)     60.83
   realaud           15 (  0.00%)             1030 (  0.00%)     68.67
   rtsp           40423 (  0.39%)         34657373 (  0.48%)    857.37
   icecast          239 (  0.00%)            17993 (  0.00%)     75.28
   other        1791724 ( 17.25%)       1018928734 ( 14.20%)    568.69
  udp           2014508 ( 19.40%)        972747955 ( 13.55%)    482.87
   dns           851817 (  8.20%)        196922088 (  2.74%)    231.18
   realaud            9 (  0.00%)             1540 (  0.00%)    171.11
   halflif          103 (  0.00%)            16979 (  0.00%)    164.84
   starcra           36 (  0.00%)             7452 (  0.00%)    207.00
   everque           53 (  0.00%)            11255 (  0.00%)    212.36
   unreal          1326 (  0.01%)           852066 (  0.01%)    642.58
   quake              9 (  0.00%)              710 (  0.00%)     78.89
   cuseeme            7 (  0.00%)              863 (  0.00%)    123.29
   other        1160933 ( 11.18%)        774738011 ( 10.79%)    667.34
  icmp           464443 (  4.47%)         71870855 (  1.00%)    154.75
  ipip              313 (  0.00%)            37302 (  0.00%)    119.18
  ipsec              53 (  0.00%)             8374 (  0.00%)    158.00
  ip6             26252 (  0.25%)          8778770 (  0.12%)    334.40
  other            6128 (  0.06%)           835533 (  0.01%)    136.35
  frag            48332 (  0.47%)         51111790 (  0.71%)   1057.51
 ip6              25465 (  0.25%)          7081742 (  0.10%)    278.10
  tcp6             7296 (  0.07%)          4059029 (  0.06%)    556.34
   http(s)         1073 (  0.01%)           655919 (  0.01%)    611.29
   http(c)         2963 (  0.03%)           505298 (  0.01%)    170.54
   smtp              14 (  0.00%)             1465 (  0.00%)    104.64
   ssh                3 (  0.00%)              246 (  0.00%)     82.00
   dns                2 (  0.00%)              186 (  0.00%)     93.00
   bgp              359 (  0.00%)            29970 (  0.00%)     83.48
   other           2882 (  0.03%)          2865945 (  0.04%)    994.43
  udp6            10436 (  0.10%)          1727316 (  0.02%)    165.52
   dns             8260 (  0.08%)          1233841 (  0.02%)    149.38
   quake              1 (  0.00%)              109 (  0.00%)    109.00
   other           2175 (  0.02%)           493366 (  0.01%)    226.83
  icmp6            7325 (  0.07%)           935410 (  0.01%)    127.70
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6            377 (  0.00%)           355771 (  0.00%)    943.69

tcpdump file: 200903300700.dump.gz (254.40 MB)