Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200903301730.dump
FileSize: 1424.67MB
Id: 200903301730
StartTime: Mon Mar 30 17:30:01 2009
EndTime: Mon Mar 30 17:45:00 2009
TotalTime: 899.59 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1110.35MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 20590283 (15076.24MB)
AvgRate: 140.58Mbps stddev:13.46M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 755017 (avg. 27.27 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
2.6% 2.2% 2.2% 2.1% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 491083
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
13.5% 12.1% 9.6% 9.4% 4.9% 3.6% 2.6% 2.5% 2.2% 2.2%
# of IPv6 addresses: 2062
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
19.9% 14.5% 14.5% 14.2% 10.3% 8.1% 6.7% 6.5% 6.5% 5.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    4892248
 [   64-  127]:    3621911
 [  128-  255]:    1154539
 [  256-  511]:     445896
 [  512- 1023]:     467944
 [ 1024- 2047]:   10007745

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         20590283 (100.00%)      15808580909 (100.00%)    767.77
 ip            20557526 ( 99.84%)      15799835173 ( 99.94%)    768.57
  tcp          17502578 ( 85.00%)      14797365409 ( 93.60%)    845.44
   http(s)      8429870 ( 40.94%)      11594128874 ( 73.34%)   1375.36
   http(c)      5097693 ( 24.76%)        744617246 (  4.71%)    146.07
   squid         269796 (  1.31%)        102568309 (  0.65%)    380.17
   smtp          330521 (  1.61%)        112622850 (  0.71%)    340.74
   ftp            84870 (  0.41%)         65286020 (  0.41%)    769.25
   pop3            7429 (  0.04%)          1941347 (  0.01%)    261.32
   imap            7106 (  0.03%)          2320036 (  0.01%)    326.49
   telnet         15408 (  0.07%)          3389990 (  0.02%)    220.01
   ssh           358210 (  1.74%)        100060913 (  0.63%)    279.34
   dns            15595 (  0.08%)          3544105 (  0.02%)    227.26
   bgp              158 (  0.00%)            56900 (  0.00%)    360.13
   napster           33 (  0.00%)             3925 (  0.00%)    118.94
   realaud           54 (  0.00%)             6510 (  0.00%)    120.56
   rtsp           50928 (  0.25%)         17580230 (  0.11%)    345.20
   icecast        37550 (  0.18%)          9954253 (  0.06%)    265.09
   hotline          267 (  0.00%)            16510 (  0.00%)     61.84
   other        2797085 ( 13.58%)       2039267091 ( 12.90%)    729.07
  udp           2221789 ( 10.79%)        836616862 (  5.29%)    376.55
   dns          1102992 (  5.36%)        264606205 (  1.67%)    239.90
   realaud           11 (  0.00%)             1159 (  0.00%)    105.36
   halflif          160 (  0.00%)            29477 (  0.00%)    184.23
   starcra           27 (  0.00%)             4553 (  0.00%)    168.63
   everque          117 (  0.00%)            20226 (  0.00%)    172.87
   unreal           514 (  0.00%)           241795 (  0.00%)    470.42
   quake             32 (  0.00%)            11912 (  0.00%)    372.25
   cuseeme            7 (  0.00%)              952 (  0.00%)    136.00
   other        1117774 (  5.43%)        571573746 (  3.62%)    511.35
  icmp           686716 (  3.34%)         67730576 (  0.43%)     98.63
  ipip              322 (  0.00%)            39478 (  0.00%)    122.60
  ipsec             112 (  0.00%)            17696 (  0.00%)    158.00
  ip6             87745 (  0.43%)         85825198 (  0.54%)    978.12
  other           58264 (  0.28%)         12239954 (  0.08%)    210.08
  frag            44174 (  0.21%)         48247575 (  0.31%)   1092.22
 ip6              32757 (  0.16%)          8745736 (  0.06%)    266.99
  tcp6             9580 (  0.05%)          4677929 (  0.03%)    488.30
   http(s)         2831 (  0.01%)          2363142 (  0.01%)    834.74
   http(c)         4143 (  0.02%)           711221 (  0.00%)    171.67
   smtp             357 (  0.00%)           172129 (  0.00%)    482.15
   ssh                2 (  0.00%)              172 (  0.00%)     86.00
   bgp              385 (  0.00%)            34165 (  0.00%)     88.74
   other           1862 (  0.01%)          1397100 (  0.01%)    750.32
  udp6            17804 (  0.09%)          3017704 (  0.02%)    169.50
   dns            15841 (  0.08%)          2513755 (  0.02%)    158.69
   starcra            1 (  0.00%)              181 (  0.00%)    181.00
   everque            1 (  0.00%)              105 (  0.00%)    105.00
   other           1961 (  0.01%)           503663 (  0.00%)    256.84
  icmp6            4918 (  0.02%)           641922 (  0.00%)    130.53
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6            424 (  0.00%)           403965 (  0.00%)    952.75

tcpdump file: 200903301730.dump.gz (496.98 MB)