Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201004152100.dump
FileSize: 2593.12MB
Id: 201004152100
StartTime: Thu Apr 15 21:00:01 2010
EndTime: Thu Apr 15 21:15:01 2010
TotalTime: 899.57 seconds
TotalCapSize: 2027.21MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 37086860 (24119.86MB)
AvgRate: 224.92Mbps stddev:24.43M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 1207600 (avg. 30.71 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
6.8% 4.3% 2.0% 1.5% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 0.9% 0.7% 0.7%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 646873
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
10.8% 7.0% 7.0% 5.8% 5.6% 5.0% 4.8% 4.5% 4.4% 4.4%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1078
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
25.8% 9.8% 8.5% 6.1% 5.4% 4.8% 4.3% 4.2% 4.0% 3.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    6213299
 [   64-  127]:   10192060
 [  128-  255]:    2329881
 [  256-  511]:    1865289
 [  512- 1023]:     928869
 [ 1024- 2047]:   15557462

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         37086860 (100.00%)      25291511422 (100.00%)    681.95
 ip            37025093 ( 99.83%)      25281822995 ( 99.96%)    682.83
  tcp          23999376 ( 64.71%)      19063392422 ( 75.37%)    794.33
   http(s)      9873403 ( 26.62%)      13700094195 ( 54.17%)   1387.58
   http(c)      6137482 ( 16.55%)        728178885 (  2.88%)    118.64
   squid         349045 (  0.94%)        104379584 (  0.41%)    299.04
   smtp          453777 (  1.22%)        101568754 (  0.40%)    223.83
   ftp          1153539 (  3.11%)       1115850465 (  4.41%)    967.33
   pop3           20519 (  0.06%)         14782333 (  0.06%)    720.42
   imap            8181 (  0.02%)          8685662 (  0.03%)   1061.69
   telnet           691 (  0.00%)            97361 (  0.00%)    140.90
   ssh          1050633 (  2.83%)        155343175 (  0.61%)    147.86
   dns            53922 (  0.15%)          3706387 (  0.01%)     68.74
   bgp              163 (  0.00%)            64880 (  0.00%)    398.04
   napster          134 (  0.00%)            19990 (  0.00%)    149.18
   realaud            6 (  0.00%)              408 (  0.00%)     68.00
   rtsp          177992 (  0.48%)        153633237 (  0.61%)    863.15
   icecast          654 (  0.00%)            69213 (  0.00%)    105.83
   hotline           18 (  0.00%)             2035 (  0.00%)    113.06
   other        4719213 ( 12.72%)       2976915618 ( 11.77%)    630.81
  udp           9141539 ( 24.65%)       4523622184 ( 17.89%)    494.84
   dns           845122 (  2.28%)        145432704 (  0.58%)    172.08
   realaud          417 (  0.00%)            30025 (  0.00%)     72.00
   halflif           96 (  0.00%)            12368 (  0.00%)    128.83
   starcra          189 (  0.00%)            19469 (  0.00%)    103.01
   everque          603 (  0.00%)           110808 (  0.00%)    183.76
   unreal           105 (  0.00%)            12003 (  0.00%)    114.31
   quake            104 (  0.00%)            15504 (  0.00%)    149.08
   cuseeme           63 (  0.00%)            11171 (  0.00%)    177.32
   other        8294327 ( 22.36%)       4377726531 ( 17.31%)    527.80
  icmp          1087669 (  2.93%)        198449756 (  0.78%)    182.45
  ipip              350 (  0.00%)            44944 (  0.00%)    128.41
  ipsec            1528 (  0.00%)           364736 (  0.00%)    238.70
  ip6           2772745 (  7.48%)       1485289552 (  5.87%)    535.67
  other           21886 (  0.06%)         10659401 (  0.04%)    487.04
  frag             2318 (  0.01%)          2380636 (  0.01%)   1027.02
 ip6              61767 (  0.17%)          9688427 (  0.04%)    156.85
  tcp6            18556 (  0.05%)          1867427 (  0.01%)    100.64
   http(s)           28 (  0.00%)            15907 (  0.00%)    568.11
   http(c)         4159 (  0.01%)           388198 (  0.00%)     93.34
   smtp             176 (  0.00%)            58857 (  0.00%)    334.41
   ftp             4620 (  0.01%)           491424 (  0.00%)    106.37
   imap             349 (  0.00%)            41057 (  0.00%)    117.64
   ssh             3548 (  0.01%)           300808 (  0.00%)     84.78
   dns               98 (  0.00%)            24115 (  0.00%)    246.07
   bgp              125 (  0.00%)            23764 (  0.00%)    190.11
   other           5453 (  0.01%)           523297 (  0.00%)     95.96
  udp6            35831 (  0.10%)          6849480 (  0.03%)    191.16
   dns            35674 (  0.10%)          6823292 (  0.03%)    191.27
   other            157 (  0.00%)            26188 (  0.00%)    166.80
  icmp6            7276 (  0.02%)           905023 (  0.00%)    124.38
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6             74 (  0.00%)            62417 (  0.00%)    843.47

tcpdump file: 201004152100.dump.gz (949.74 MB)