Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201204010515.dump
FileSize: 2025.32MB
Id: 201204010515
StartTime: Sun Apr 1 05:15:00 2012
EndTime: Sun Apr 1 05:30:00 2012
TotalTime: 900.52 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1606.01MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 27479133 (21489.10MB)
AvgRate: 200.18Mbps stddev:28.82M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 1816301 (avg. 15.13 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
6.6% 5.4% 4.5% 3.6% 3.2% 2.9% 2.8% 1.9% 1.8% 1.8%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 1426906
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
16.5% 14.2% 12.6% 9.1% 6.9% 6.7% 6.1% 5.7% 4.9% 4.6%
# of IPv6 addresses: 4964
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
89.3% 89.3% 3.9% 3.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.1% 0.8% 0.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    4652253
 [   64-  127]:    6593503
 [  128-  255]:     893827
 [  256-  511]:     531624
 [  512- 1023]:     639080
 [ 1024- 2047]:   14168846

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         27479133 (100.00%)      22532956962 (100.00%)    820.00
 ip            27082632 ( 98.56%)      22073368197 ( 97.96%)    815.04
  tcp          21412104 ( 77.92%)      19691679562 ( 87.39%)    919.65
   http(s)      9888573 ( 35.99%)      13392241466 ( 59.43%)   1354.31
   http(c)      4214090 ( 15.34%)        479653342 (  2.13%)    113.82
   squid          59450 (  0.22%)         47912111 (  0.21%)    805.92
   smtp           32235 (  0.12%)          4243894 (  0.02%)    131.65
   nntp              14 (  0.00%)              868 (  0.00%)     62.00
   ftp             6889 (  0.03%)           722572 (  0.00%)    104.89
   pop3            1564 (  0.01%)           294841 (  0.00%)    188.52
   imap           14327 (  0.05%)         20484063 (  0.09%)   1429.75
   telnet          5551 (  0.02%)           401033 (  0.00%)     72.25
   ssh          1344226 (  4.89%)       1250907433 (  5.55%)    930.58
   dns             5452 (  0.02%)          1962179 (  0.01%)    359.90
   bgp              646 (  0.00%)           129509 (  0.00%)    200.48
   napster           33 (  0.00%)             2192 (  0.00%)     66.42
   realaud           13 (  0.00%)             3265 (  0.00%)    251.15
   rtsp               3 (  0.00%)              180 (  0.00%)     60.00
   icecast         2299 (  0.01%)           169271 (  0.00%)     73.63
   hotline           25 (  0.00%)             1612 (  0.00%)     64.48
   other        5836714 ( 21.24%)       4492549731 ( 19.94%)    769.71
  udp           2201627 (  8.01%)        673788778 (  2.99%)    306.04
   dns           277020 (  1.01%)         58906845 (  0.26%)    212.64
   realaud            8 (  0.00%)              821 (  0.00%)    102.62
   halflif           82 (  0.00%)            12190 (  0.00%)    148.66
   starcra           13 (  0.00%)             1417 (  0.00%)    109.00
   everque          270 (  0.00%)            71216 (  0.00%)    263.76
   unreal            18 (  0.00%)             2572 (  0.00%)    142.89
   quake             10 (  0.00%)             1159 (  0.00%)    115.90
   cuseeme            1 (  0.00%)               90 (  0.00%)     90.00
   other        1924070 (  7.00%)        614741606 (  2.73%)    319.50
  icmp          1758262 (  6.40%)        198984216 (  0.88%)    113.17
  ipip              184 (  0.00%)            19160 (  0.00%)    104.13
  ipsec            2940 (  0.01%)          1010072 (  0.00%)    343.56
  ip6           1684759 (  6.13%)       1504791187 (  6.68%)    893.18
  pim               250 (  0.00%)            15000 (  0.00%)     60.00
  other           22506 (  0.08%)          3080222 (  0.01%)    136.86
  frag              726 (  0.00%)           685018 (  0.00%)    943.55
 ip6             396501 (  1.44%)        459588765 (  2.04%)   1159.11
  tcp6           330057 (  1.20%)        447522257 (  1.99%)   1355.89
   http(s)        19348 (  0.07%)         26246638 (  0.12%)   1356.56
   http(c)        22616 (  0.08%)          2068188 (  0.01%)     91.45
   smtp             737 (  0.00%)           240385 (  0.00%)    326.17
   dns               51 (  0.00%)            10021 (  0.00%)    196.49
   bgp              100 (  0.00%)            25945 (  0.00%)    259.45
   other         287205 (  1.05%)        418931080 (  1.86%)   1458.65
  udp6            37921 (  0.14%)          8062407 (  0.04%)    212.61
   dns            32835 (  0.12%)          7389688 (  0.03%)    225.06
   other           5086 (  0.02%)           672719 (  0.00%)    132.27
  icmp6           28049 (  0.10%)          3636478 (  0.02%)    129.65
  ip6                83 (  0.00%)            11344 (  0.00%)    136.67
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6            361 (  0.00%)           352199 (  0.00%)    975.62

tcpdump file: 201204010515.dump.gz (633.95 MB)