Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201410020230.dump
FileSize: 4875.65MB
Id: 201410020230
StartTime: Thu Oct 2 02:30:00 2014
EndTime: Thu Oct 2 02:45:00 2014
TotalTime: 900.02 seconds
TotalCapSize: 3717.36MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 75908771 (21763.23MB)
AvgRate: 202.81Mbps stddev:36.12M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 42425040 (avg. 1.79 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
10.9% 6.2% 4.0% 2.6% 2.6% 1.9% 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.3%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 31291725
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
12.5% 12.1% 12.1% 10.6% 9.6% 6.8% 4.4% 3.9% 3.4% 3.0%
# of IPv6 addresses: 11354
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
63.3% 45.2% 7.7% 6.9% 6.3% 5.6% 5.2% 4.6% 3.8% 3.8%

Aggregated Flow Summary (using agurim)

[agurim byte plot] [agurim packets plot]

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers

Protocol Breakdown

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         75908771 (100.00%)      22820398425 (100.00%)    300.63
 ip            72734785 ( 95.82%)      20793001263 ( 91.12%)    285.87
  tcp          22396339 ( 29.50%)      12577099814 ( 55.11%)    561.57
   http        14791793 ( 19.49%)       8238287205 ( 36.10%)    556.95
   https        1031457 (  1.36%)        625634634 (  2.74%)    606.55
   smtp           35035 (  0.05%)          9405797 (  0.04%)    268.47
   ftp            71764 (  0.09%)          4901825 (  0.02%)     68.30
   ssh           844195 (  1.11%)         78483569 (  0.34%)     92.97
   dns             8542 (  0.01%)          1383946 (  0.01%)    162.02
   bgp             2156 (  0.00%)           395305 (  0.00%)    183.35
   other        5611397 (  7.39%)       3618607533 ( 15.86%)    644.87
  udp           2951595 (  3.89%)       1799018458 (  7.88%)    609.51
   dns           641381 (  0.84%)        316302584 (  1.39%)    493.16
   other        2307804 (  3.04%)       1479607785 (  6.48%)    641.13
  icmp         43687450 ( 57.55%)       2704082234 ( 11.85%)     61.90
  ipip              185 (  0.00%)            19270 (  0.00%)    104.16
  gre            779485 (  1.03%)        556879228 (  2.44%)    714.42
  ipsec          661929 (  0.87%)        645101650 (  2.83%)    974.58
  ip6           2257799 (  2.97%)       2510800219 ( 11.00%)   1112.06
  other               3 (  0.00%)              390 (  0.00%)    130.00
  frag           211893 (  0.28%)        272981829 (  1.20%)   1288.30
 ip6            3173986 (  4.18%)       2027397162 (  8.88%)    638.75
  tcp6          3069495 (  4.04%)       2005793844 (  8.79%)    653.46
   http         1257318 (  1.66%)       1408125191 (  6.17%)   1119.94
   https         334141 (  0.44%)        362281271 (  1.59%)   1084.22
   smtp             571 (  0.00%)           223135 (  0.00%)    390.78
   ftp              627 (  0.00%)            80023 (  0.00%)    127.63
   ssh            34105 (  0.04%)         46655587 (  0.20%)   1368.00
   dns             2200 (  0.00%)           376120 (  0.00%)    170.96
   bgp             1195 (  0.00%)           205820 (  0.00%)    172.23
   other        1439338 (  1.90%)        187846697 (  0.82%)    130.51
  udp6            53850 (  0.07%)         12979141 (  0.06%)    241.02
   dns            48846 (  0.06%)         12295453 (  0.05%)    251.72
   other           5004 (  0.01%)           683688 (  0.00%)    136.63
  icmp6           47828 (  0.06%)          5879440 (  0.03%)    122.93
  ip                 82 (  0.00%)            11176 (  0.00%)    136.29
  pim6               29 (  0.00%)             3944 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           2702 (  0.00%)          2729617 (  0.01%)   1010.22

tcpdump file: 201410020230.dump.gz (1507.62 MB)