Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200509221530.dump
FileSize: 531.20MB
Id: 200509221530
StartTime: Thu Sep 22 15:30:00 2005
EndTime: Thu Sep 22 15:45:01 2005
TotalTime: 900.44 seconds
TotalCapSize: 413.15MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 7736657 (3050.99MB)
AvgRate: 28.42Mbps stddev:1.56M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 612163 (avg. 12.64 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
3.8% 3.1% 2.9% 2.5% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 1.4% 1.2% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 403042
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
13.6% 12.6% 11.5% 6.2% 4.4% 3.9% 3.1% 2.9% 2.5% 2.5%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   16-   31]:      90033
 [   32-   63]:    2874920
 [   64-  127]:    2188830
 [  128-  255]:     314699
 [  256-  511]:     357201
 [  512- 1023]:     223606
 [ 1024- 2047]:    1687368

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          7736657 (100.00%)       3199196587 (100.00%)    413.51
 ip             7545127 ( 97.52%)       3193395815 ( 99.82%)    423.24
  tcp           6063993 ( 78.38%)       2890068068 ( 90.34%)    476.59
   http(s)      1317203 ( 17.03%)       1162777309 ( 36.35%)    882.76
   http(c)      1814862 ( 23.46%)        196858940 (  6.15%)    108.47
   squid           4459 (  0.06%)          3755087 (  0.12%)    842.14
   smtp          285515 (  3.69%)         66286841 (  2.07%)    232.17
   nntp             635 (  0.01%)            43808 (  0.00%)     68.99
   ftp            97278 (  1.26%)         28016839 (  0.88%)    288.01
   pop3            4505 (  0.06%)          1393843 (  0.04%)    309.40
   imap            1784 (  0.02%)           411037 (  0.01%)    230.40
   telnet          6779 (  0.09%)          1018248 (  0.03%)    150.21
   ssh            12233 (  0.16%)          3742543 (  0.12%)    305.94
   dns              968 (  0.01%)            62355 (  0.00%)     64.42
   bgp              586 (  0.01%)           417280 (  0.01%)    712.08
   napster           13 (  0.00%)              802 (  0.00%)     61.69
   realaud         5362 (  0.07%)           374734 (  0.01%)     69.89
   rtsp           48780 (  0.63%)         32813434 (  1.03%)    672.68
   icecast        15046 (  0.19%)          1242134 (  0.04%)     82.56
   hotline            8 (  0.00%)              494 (  0.00%)     61.75
   other        2418165 ( 31.26%)       1389826850 ( 43.44%)    574.74
  udp            943740 ( 12.20%)        233994546 (  7.31%)    247.94
   dns           559260 (  7.23%)        129289057 (  4.04%)    231.18
   realaud          898 (  0.01%)            76005 (  0.00%)     84.64
   halflif        37741 (  0.49%)          5218715 (  0.16%)    138.28
   everque           85 (  0.00%)             9903 (  0.00%)    116.51
   unreal             2 (  0.00%)              200 (  0.00%)    100.00
   quake             16 (  0.00%)             1315 (  0.00%)     82.19
   cuseeme            1 (  0.00%)               73 (  0.00%)     73.00
   other         337417 (  4.36%)         98987174 (  3.09%)    293.37
  icmp           367245 (  4.75%)         28859464 (  0.90%)     78.58
  ip6              1092 (  0.01%)           285585 (  0.01%)    261.52
  other          169057 (  2.19%)         40188152 (  1.26%)    237.72
  frag             5094 (  0.07%)          4046075 (  0.13%)    794.28

tcpdump file: 200509221530.dump.gz (213.88 MB)