Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200003060900.dump
FileSize: 17.05MB
Id: 200003060900
StartTime: Mon Mar 6 09:00:15 2000
EndTime: Mon Mar 6 17:40:21 2000
TotalTime: 31205.53 seconds
TotalCapSize: 14.25MB CapLen: 94 bytes
# of packets: 183989 (52.49MB)
AvgRate: 17.96Kbps stddev:92.68K

Packet Size Histogram (including MAC headers)

 [   64-  127]:     100254
 [  128-  255]:      42209
 [  256-  511]:      13053
 [  512- 1023]:       6822
 [ 1024- 2047]:      21651

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 322 (avg. 571.39 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
29.3% 7.8% 6.6% 6.5% 6.5% 6.2% 6.2% 6.2% 4.4% 3.4%

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          183989 (100.00%)         55039374 (100.00%)    299.14
 ip6            183989 (100.00%)         55039374 (100.00%)    299.14
  tcp6          171176 ( 93.04%)         52944131 ( 96.19%)    309.30
   http           2712 (  1.47%)          1086560 (  1.97%)    400.65
   smtp           2128 (  1.16%)           423251 (  0.77%)    198.90
   ftp           12834 (  6.98%)         16160046 ( 29.36%)   1259.16
   ssh            4493 (  2.44%)           470567 (  0.85%)    104.73
   bgp          140107 ( 76.15%)         34040899 ( 61.85%)    242.96
   other          8902 (  4.84%)           762808 (  1.39%)     85.69
  udp6             646 (  0.35%)            78302 (  0.14%)    121.21
   dns             270 (  0.15%)            50438 (  0.09%)    186.81
   other           376 (  0.20%)            27864 (  0.05%)     74.11
  icmp6          12153 (  6.61%)          2005853 (  3.64%)    165.05
  other6            14 (  0.01%)            11088 (  0.02%)    792.00

tcpdump file: 200003060900.dump.gz (2.90 MB)