Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200008010900.dump
FileSize: 35.76MB
Id: 200008010900
StartTime: Tue Aug 1 09:00:09 2000
EndTime: Wed Aug 2 03:00:00 2000
TotalTime: 64791.07 seconds
TotalCapSize: 29.46MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 412978 (129.25MB)
AvgRate: 24.84Kbps stddev:71.39K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 873 (avg. 473.06 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
16.8% 16.5% 14.5% 9.7% 5.1% 4.1% 2.5% 1.6% 1.0% 0.9%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 413
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
28.6% 18.9% 18.9% 17.2% 15.4% 15.4% 9.9% 8.6% 5.8% 5.8%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   64-  127]:     265412
 [  128-  255]:      48930
 [  256-  511]:      20615
 [  512- 1023]:      10652
 [ 1024- 2047]:      67369

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total           412978 (100.00%)        135532960 (100.00%)    328.18
 ip6             412978 (100.00%)        135532960 (100.00%)    328.18
  tcp6           277511 ( 67.20%)         99432444 ( 73.36%)    358.30
   http(s)        22181 (  5.37%)         22399202 ( 16.53%)   1009.84
   http(c)        13982 (  3.39%)          1732909 (  1.28%)    123.94
   squid              9 (  0.00%)              917 (  0.00%)    101.89
   smtp           20090 (  4.86%)          4917978 (  3.63%)    244.80
   ftp            11656 (  2.82%)          1732203 (  1.28%)    148.61
   pop3            2030 (  0.49%)           576093 (  0.43%)    283.79
   imap               3 (  0.00%)              226 (  0.00%)     75.33
   telnet            61 (  0.01%)             4952 (  0.00%)     81.18
   ssh            27231 (  6.59%)         10344151 (  7.63%)    379.87
   bgp           120856 ( 29.26%)         13139808 (  9.69%)    108.72
   other          59412 ( 14.39%)         44584005 ( 32.90%)    750.42
  udp6             2430 (  0.59%)           346124 (  0.26%)    142.44
   dns             1306 (  0.32%)           244680 (  0.18%)    187.35
   other           1124 (  0.27%)           101444 (  0.07%)     90.25
  icmp6           58685 ( 14.21%)          7891107 (  5.82%)    134.47
  ipsec6          36399 (  8.81%)          8620846 (  6.36%)    236.84
  other6          37953 (  9.19%)         19242439 ( 14.20%)    507.01

tcpdump file: 200008010900.dump.gz (6.26 MB)