Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200503190900.dump
FileSize: 179.28MB
Id: 200503190900
StartTime: Sat Mar 19 09:00:01 2005
EndTime: Sat Mar 19 13:43:28 2005
TotalTime: 17006.85 seconds
TotalCapSize: 148.75MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 2000000 (542.60MB)
AvgRate: 267.56Kbps stddev:681.68K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 11711 (avg. 170.78 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
16.0% 14.1% 11.5% 8.4% 8.1% 5.4% 2.1% 1.5% 1.3% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 3314
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
20.9% 16.9% 16.0% 14.1% 14.1% 11.5% 8.4% 8.4% 8.3% 8.2%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:        457
 [   64-  127]:    1461188
 [  128-  255]:     204444
 [  256-  511]:      27324
 [  512- 1023]:      15768
 [ 1024- 2047]:     290819

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          2000000 (100.00%)        568960494 (100.00%)    284.48
 ip6            2000000 (100.00%)        568960494 (100.00%)    284.48
  tcp6          1121902 ( 56.10%)        457420364 ( 80.40%)    407.72
   http(s)       128146 (  6.41%)        161169760 ( 28.33%)   1257.70
   http(c)       508107 ( 25.41%)         46322705 (  8.14%)     91.17
   squid             21 (  0.00%)             1767 (  0.00%)     84.14
   smtp           15508 (  0.78%)          3710837 (  0.65%)    239.29
   nntp            3501 (  0.18%)           933784 (  0.16%)    266.72
   ftp             5092 (  0.25%)          6555104 (  1.15%)   1287.33
   pop3               3 (  0.00%)              222 (  0.00%)     74.00
   ssh            49613 (  2.48%)         49769013 (  8.75%)   1003.14
   dns              156 (  0.01%)            18406 (  0.00%)    117.99
   bgp            79846 (  3.99%)          8126453 (  1.43%)    101.78
   icecast           22 (  0.00%)             1708 (  0.00%)     77.64
   other         331887 ( 16.59%)        180810605 ( 31.78%)    544.80
  udp6           457162 ( 22.86%)         59578412 ( 10.47%)    130.32
   dns           371809 ( 18.59%)         46325592 (  8.14%)    124.60
   other          85353 (  4.27%)         13252820 (  2.33%)    155.27
  icmp6          406239 ( 20.31%)         49962373 (  8.78%)    122.99
  ospf6            1701 (  0.09%)           153090 (  0.03%)     90.00
  ip4              3200 (  0.16%)           381777 (  0.07%)    119.31
  ip6              8082 (  0.40%)          1263266 (  0.22%)    156.31
  pim6             1702 (  0.09%)           192908 (  0.03%)    113.34
  other6             12 (  0.00%)             8304 (  0.00%)    692.00

tcpdump file: 200503190900.dump.gz (36.73 MB)