Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200605250900.dump
FileSize: 183.98MB
Id: 200605250900
StartTime: Thu May 25 09:00:01 2006
EndTime: Thu May 25 12:04:36 2006
TotalTime: 11075.07 seconds
TotalCapSize: 153.45MB CapLen: 128 bytes
# of packets: 2000000 (943.31MB)
AvgRate: 714.52Kbps stddev:611.24K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 9911 (avg. 201.80 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
53.7% 24.0% 2.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 3091
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
53.7% 53.7% 24.0% 24.0% 3.6% 3.0% 2.4% 1.8% 1.4% 1.4%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:         71
 [   64-  127]:    1139223
 [  128-  255]:     154729
 [  256-  511]:      46013
 [  512- 1023]:      20349
 [ 1024- 2047]:     639615

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          2000000 (100.00%)        989127308 (100.00%)    494.56
 ip6            2000000 (100.00%)        989127308 (100.00%)    494.56
  tcp6          1376720 ( 68.84%)        903660376 ( 91.36%)    656.39
   http(s)       616073 ( 30.80%)        791684279 ( 80.04%)   1285.05
   http(c)       313848 ( 15.69%)         37411898 (  3.78%)    119.20
   squid             92 (  0.00%)             9111 (  0.00%)     99.03
   smtp           16805 (  0.84%)          4457698 (  0.45%)    265.26
   nntp            5182 (  0.26%)           585387 (  0.06%)    112.97
   ftp             1671 (  0.08%)           157817 (  0.02%)     94.44
   ssh              867 (  0.04%)           397097 (  0.04%)    458.01
   dns               59 (  0.00%)             7355 (  0.00%)    124.66
   bgp            43687 (  2.18%)          4611359 (  0.47%)    105.55
   icecast            1 (  0.00%)               94 (  0.00%)     94.00
   other         378435 ( 18.92%)         64338281 (  6.50%)    170.01
  udp6           404215 ( 20.21%)         52510503 (  5.31%)    129.91
   dns           391810 ( 19.59%)         51144721 (  5.17%)    130.53
   other          12405 (  0.62%)          1365782 (  0.14%)    110.10
  icmp6          203753 ( 10.19%)         23275450 (  2.35%)    114.23
  ip4              1374 (  0.07%)           117808 (  0.01%)     85.74
  ip6              6483 (  0.32%)           952689 (  0.10%)    146.95
  pim6              370 (  0.02%)            47360 (  0.00%)    128.00
  other6           7085 (  0.35%)          8563122 (  0.87%)   1208.63

tcpdump file: 200605250900.dump.gz (35.64 MB)