Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200805131800.dump
FileSize: 179.94MB
Id: 200805131800
StartTime: Tue May 13 18:00:01 2008
EndTime: Tue May 13 19:08:45 2008
TotalTime: 4123.06 seconds
TotalCapSize: 148.68MB CapLen: 128 bytes
# of packets: 2000000 (236.14MB)
AvgRate: 480.44Kbps stddev:147.14K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 15421 (avg. 129.69 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
12.8% 9.2% 5.6% 3.2% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 4610
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
46.0% 12.8% 12.8% 9.2% 9.2% 5.6% 4.3% 3.3% 2.5% 2.1%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   64-  127]:    1778473
 [  128-  255]:      97628
 [  256-  511]:      55902
 [  512- 1023]:      50662
 [ 1024- 2047]:      17335

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          2000000 (100.00%)        247613116 (100.00%)    123.81
 ip6            2000000 (100.00%)        247613116 (100.00%)    123.81
  tcp6          1543394 ( 77.17%)        180564543 ( 72.92%)    116.99
   http(s)         7540 (  0.38%)          6148439 (  2.48%)    815.44
   http(c)       901825 ( 45.09%)        115502084 ( 46.65%)    128.08
   squid            124 (  0.01%)            22283 (  0.01%)    179.70
   smtp            3002 (  0.15%)           619102 (  0.25%)    206.23
   nntp            4676 (  0.23%)           951167 (  0.38%)    203.41
   ftp              213 (  0.01%)            21101 (  0.01%)     99.07
   ssh                7 (  0.00%)             1538 (  0.00%)    219.71
   dns             1140 (  0.06%)           115660 (  0.05%)    101.46
   bgp            10064 (  0.50%)          1222607 (  0.49%)    121.48
   icecast            3 (  0.00%)              234 (  0.00%)     78.00
   other         614800 ( 30.74%)         55960328 ( 22.60%)     91.02
  udp6           355266 ( 17.76%)         55024686 ( 22.22%)    154.88
   dns           345121 ( 17.26%)         53225997 ( 21.50%)    154.22
   other          10145 (  0.51%)          1798689 (  0.73%)    177.30
  icmp6          100967 (  5.05%)         11952738 (  4.83%)    118.38
  pim6              345 (  0.02%)            46240 (  0.02%)    134.03
  other6             28 (  0.00%)            24909 (  0.01%)    889.61

tcpdump file: 200805131800.dump.gz (33.14 MB)