Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200207050900.dump
FileSize: 281.16MB
Id: 200207050900
StartTime: Fri Jul 5 09:00:00 2002
EndTime: Fri Jul 5 15:45:07 2002
TotalTime: 24306.82 seconds
TotalCapSize: 155.70MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 2000000 (1053.38MB)
AvgRate: 363.54Kbps stddev:486.84K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 2192 (avg. 912.41 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
30.8% 11.1% 5.9% 5.5% 5.0% 3.9% 3.8% 3.8% 2.9% 2.2%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 1072
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
62.4% 32.9% 12.0% 11.2% 8.5% 6.0% 5.8% 5.0% 4.2% 3.9%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:        234
 [   64-  127]:     927873
 [  128-  255]:     175236
 [  256-  511]:     107315
 [  512- 1023]:      90592
 [ 1024- 2047]:     698750

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          2000000 (100.00%)       1104547361 (100.00%)    552.27
 ip6            2000000 (100.00%)       1104547361 (100.00%)    552.27
  tcp6           748831 ( 37.44%)        282601186 ( 25.59%)    377.39
   http(s)        77089 (  3.85%)        103717144 (  9.39%)   1345.42
   http(c)        61957 (  3.10%)          6798805 (  0.62%)    109.73
   squid             77 (  0.00%)             7566 (  0.00%)     98.26
   smtp           12778 (  0.64%)          3053181 (  0.28%)    238.94
   nntp           34435 (  1.72%)         16271369 (  1.47%)    472.52
   ftp            54052 (  2.70%)          6543598 (  0.59%)    121.06
   pop3            2360 (  0.12%)           850473 (  0.08%)    360.37
   imap           14708 (  0.74%)          5813568 (  0.53%)    395.27
   ssh           361450 ( 18.07%)        108774740 (  9.85%)    300.94
   bgp            34702 (  1.74%)          3623283 (  0.33%)    104.41
   other          95223 (  4.76%)         27147459 (  2.46%)    285.09
  udp6           257905 ( 12.90%)         38501254 (  3.49%)    149.28
   dns           172686 (  8.63%)         20169669 (  1.83%)    116.80
   other          85219 (  4.26%)         18331585 (  1.66%)    215.11
  icmp6          343146 ( 17.16%)        130570326 ( 11.82%)    380.51
  ospf6           27922 (  1.40%)          3139388 (  0.28%)    112.43
  ip4                 1 (  0.00%)              114 (  0.00%)    114.00
  ip6            613031 ( 30.65%)        646509071 ( 58.53%)   1054.61
  ipsec6           3198 (  0.16%)          1340604 (  0.12%)    419.20
  pim6             3647 (  0.18%)           276338 (  0.03%)     75.77
  other6           2319 (  0.12%)          1609080 (  0.15%)    693.87

tcpdump file: 200207050900.dump.gz (27.24 MB)