Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200401210900.dump
FileSize: 167.25MB
Id: 200401210900
StartTime: Wed Jan 21 09:00:01 2004
EndTime: Thu Jan 22 01:04:05 2004
TotalTime: 57844.09 seconds
TotalCapSize: 136.72MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 2000000 (654.95MB)
AvgRate: 94.98Kbps stddev:175.15K

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 13517 (avg. 147.96 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
27.6% 8.2% 3.9% 3.0% 2.2% 1.9% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv6 addresses: 4690
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
28.1% 28.1% 9.4% 8.5% 8.5% 6.4% 3.9% 3.2% 3.0% 2.6%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:        231
 [   64-  127]:    1121244
 [  128-  255]:     412778
 [  256-  511]:      47580
 [  512- 1023]:      35799
 [ 1024- 2047]:     382368

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total          2000000 (100.00%)        686762727 (100.00%)    343.38
 ip6            2000000 (100.00%)        686762727 (100.00%)    343.38
  tcp6           746950 ( 37.35%)        284140517 ( 41.37%)    380.40
   http(s)        22887 (  1.14%)         27079910 (  3.94%)   1183.20
   http(c)        51168 (  2.56%)          5154006 (  0.75%)    100.73
   squid          10839 (  0.54%)          8228761 (  1.20%)    759.18
   smtp           26421 (  1.32%)         11237782 (  1.64%)    425.34
   nntp            5298 (  0.26%)          1777708 (  0.26%)    335.54
   ftp           111481 (  5.57%)         72624879 ( 10.57%)    651.46
   pop3            8093 (  0.40%)          8593114 (  1.25%)   1061.80
   imap            7619 (  0.38%)          3734301 (  0.54%)    490.13
   telnet           518 (  0.03%)           303413 (  0.04%)    585.74
   ssh            82607 (  4.13%)         13678879 (  1.99%)    165.59
   dns              434 (  0.02%)            55061 (  0.01%)    126.87
   bgp            70253 (  3.51%)          6979156 (  1.02%)     99.34
   other         349332 ( 17.47%)        124693547 ( 18.16%)    356.95
  udp6           483873 ( 24.19%)         87332804 ( 12.72%)    180.49
   dns           404871 ( 20.24%)         61569143 (  8.97%)    152.07
   other          79002 (  3.95%)         25763661 (  3.75%)    326.11
  icmp6          644874 ( 32.24%)        300333441 ( 43.73%)    465.72
  ospf6          112257 (  5.61%)         13254322 (  1.93%)    118.07
  ip4               641 (  0.03%)            96190 (  0.01%)    150.06
  ip6              7222 (  0.36%)          1083513 (  0.16%)    150.03
  pim6             3852 (  0.19%)           365922 (  0.05%)     95.00
  other6            331 (  0.02%)           156018 (  0.02%)    471.35

tcpdump file: 200401210900.dump.gz (32.39 MB)