Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200704021400.dump
FileSize: 1217.84MB
Id: 200704021400
StartTime: Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2007
EndTime: Mon Apr 2 14:15:00 2007
TotalTime: 900.04 seconds
TotalCapSize: 954.35MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 17266433 (10326.85MB)
AvgRate: 96.25Mbps stddev:11.29M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 524981 (avg. 32.89 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
2.2% 2.1% 1.8% 1.7% 1.6% 1.4% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 269845
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
14.2% 9.7% 9.7% 4.1% 3.1% 2.8% 2.5% 2.4% 2.3% 2.2%
# of IPv6 addresses: 1423
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
61.2% 61.2% 5.4% 5.4% 5.0% 4.7% 4.2% 4.2% 3.6% 1.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    4246023
 [   64-  127]:    5068160
 [  128-  255]:     604473
 [  256-  511]:     430708
 [  512- 1023]:     422407
 [ 1024- 2047]:    6494662

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         17266433 (100.00%)      10828481871 (100.00%)    627.14
 ip            17160411 ( 99.39%)      10784433667 ( 99.59%)    628.45
  tcp          14773750 ( 85.56%)      10450563791 ( 96.51%)    707.37
   http(s)      5673985 ( 32.86%)       7373272790 ( 68.09%)   1299.49
   http(c)      4343837 ( 25.16%)        546845788 (  5.05%)    125.89
   squid         198129 (  1.15%)        118920548 (  1.10%)    600.22
   smtp          387928 (  2.25%)         99249278 (  0.92%)    255.84
   nntp             258 (  0.00%)            19743 (  0.00%)     76.52
   ftp            69314 (  0.40%)          6814533 (  0.06%)     98.31
   pop3            6384 (  0.04%)          1840161 (  0.02%)    288.25
   imap            6812 (  0.04%)          3044123 (  0.03%)    446.88
   telnet          1081 (  0.01%)            99267 (  0.00%)     91.83
   ssh           293295 (  1.70%)         44255240 (  0.41%)    150.89
   dns             2707 (  0.02%)           223446 (  0.00%)     82.54
   bgp              848 (  0.00%)            96180 (  0.00%)    113.42
   napster            5 (  0.00%)              312 (  0.00%)     62.40
   realaud           37 (  0.00%)             5246 (  0.00%)    141.78
   rtsp          145915 (  0.85%)        165418455 (  1.53%)   1133.66
   icecast         4887 (  0.03%)           924946 (  0.01%)    189.27
   hotline           25 (  0.00%)             3686 (  0.00%)    147.44
   other        3638296 ( 21.07%)       2089529629 ( 19.30%)    574.32
  udp           1632335 (  9.45%)        252785752 (  2.33%)    154.86
   dns          1235141 (  7.15%)        164644660 (  1.52%)    133.30
   realaud         7485 (  0.04%)          6527786 (  0.06%)    872.12
   halflif           16 (  0.00%)             2762 (  0.00%)    172.62
   starcra            7 (  0.00%)             1137 (  0.00%)    162.43
   everque           23 (  0.00%)             5055 (  0.00%)    219.78
   unreal             6 (  0.00%)              818 (  0.00%)    136.33
   quake             44 (  0.00%)             9047 (  0.00%)    205.61
   cuseeme            1 (  0.00%)               87 (  0.00%)     87.00
   other         389419 (  2.26%)         81322927 (  0.75%)    208.83
  icmp           602383 (  3.49%)         56747109 (  0.52%)     94.20
  ipip              333 (  0.00%)            39694 (  0.00%)    119.20
  ip6               848 (  0.00%)           123899 (  0.00%)    146.11
  other          150762 (  0.87%)         24173422 (  0.22%)    160.34
  frag             5998 (  0.03%)          6020851 (  0.06%)   1003.81
 ip6             106019 (  0.61%)         44048024 (  0.41%)    415.47
  tcp6            30643 (  0.18%)         33374396 (  0.31%)   1089.14
   http(s)         4889 (  0.03%)          5375307 (  0.05%)   1099.47
   http(c)         1879 (  0.01%)           292110 (  0.00%)    155.46
   smtp             281 (  0.00%)           110458 (  0.00%)    393.09
   dns                7 (  0.00%)              635 (  0.00%)     90.71
   bgp              201 (  0.00%)            20501 (  0.00%)    102.00
   other          23386 (  0.14%)         27575385 (  0.25%)   1179.14
  udp6            64541 (  0.37%)          9080740 (  0.08%)    140.70
   dns            64464 (  0.37%)          9072270 (  0.08%)    140.73
   other             77 (  0.00%)             8470 (  0.00%)    110.00
  icmp6           10623 (  0.06%)          1533377 (  0.01%)    144.35
  ip6               178 (  0.00%)            52076 (  0.00%)    292.56
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6              4 (  0.00%)             3355 (  0.00%)    838.75

tcpdump file: 200704021400.dump.gz (458.17 MB)