Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200802111400.dump
FileSize: 977.00MB
Id: 200802111400
StartTime: Mon Feb 11 14:00:00 2008
EndTime: Mon Feb 11 14:15:01 2008
TotalTime: 900.45 seconds
TotalCapSize: 764.46MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 13928553 (7997.00MB)
AvgRate: 74.50Mbps stddev:11.18M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 577161 (avg. 24.13 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
2.7% 2.2% 1.7% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 335706
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
6.2% 5.8% 5.8% 5.6% 4.1% 3.4% 3.4% 3.3% 2.7% 2.7%
# of IPv6 addresses: 749
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
14.6% 13.6% 13.4% 9.7% 7.3% 6.2% 6.2% 5.2% 4.9% 4.0%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    2858634
 [   64-  127]:    4511074
 [  128-  255]:     823843
 [  256-  511]:     369298
 [  512- 1023]:     384378
 [ 1024- 2047]:    4981326

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         13928553 (100.00%)       8385463244 (100.00%)    602.03
 ip            13906787 ( 99.84%)       8381898437 ( 99.96%)    602.72
  tcp          11117815 ( 79.82%)       7588266106 ( 90.49%)    682.53
   http(s)      4162321 ( 29.88%)       5339786117 ( 63.68%)   1282.89
   http(c)      2931795 ( 21.05%)        336070091 (  4.01%)    114.63
   squid         547766 (  3.93%)        431286724 (  5.14%)    787.36
   smtp          431026 (  3.09%)        100257041 (  1.20%)    232.60
   nntp            2573 (  0.02%)          1307630 (  0.02%)    508.21
   ftp            99712 (  0.72%)        134643072 (  1.61%)   1350.32
   pop3            3033 (  0.02%)          1403415 (  0.02%)    462.72
   imap            5706 (  0.04%)          3797677 (  0.05%)    665.56
   telnet           366 (  0.00%)            23470 (  0.00%)     64.13
   ssh          1034730 (  7.43%)        130957166 (  1.56%)    126.56
   dns             1888 (  0.01%)           147141 (  0.00%)     77.93
   bgp              214 (  0.00%)            62750 (  0.00%)    293.22
   napster           94 (  0.00%)            18230 (  0.00%)    193.94
   realaud           47 (  0.00%)            12172 (  0.00%)    258.98
   rtsp           28481 (  0.20%)         28746802 (  0.34%)   1009.33
   icecast        47611 (  0.34%)         18710483 (  0.22%)    392.99
   hotline           14 (  0.00%)            14230 (  0.00%)   1016.43
   other        1820433 ( 13.07%)       1061021595 ( 12.65%)    582.84
  udp           2234280 ( 16.04%)        703381948 (  8.39%)    314.81
   dns           722764 (  5.19%)        111359824 (  1.33%)    154.07
   realaud           36 (  0.00%)             5069 (  0.00%)    140.81
   halflif           20 (  0.00%)             3410 (  0.00%)    170.50
   starcra           55 (  0.00%)            10970 (  0.00%)    199.45
   everque           41 (  0.00%)             7656 (  0.00%)    186.73
   unreal            15 (  0.00%)             2526 (  0.00%)    168.40
   quake             16 (  0.00%)             2977 (  0.00%)    186.06
   cuseeme            9 (  0.00%)              968 (  0.00%)    107.56
   other        1511310 ( 10.85%)        591976873 (  7.06%)    391.70
  icmp           410333 (  2.95%)         37953950 (  0.45%)     92.50
  ipip              335 (  0.00%)            39788 (  0.00%)    118.77
  ip6               841 (  0.01%)           101165 (  0.00%)    120.29
  other          143183 (  1.03%)         52155480 (  0.62%)    364.26
  frag             3561 (  0.03%)          2833794 (  0.03%)    795.79
 ip6              21766 (  0.16%)          3564807 (  0.04%)    163.78
  tcp6             3322 (  0.02%)           660284 (  0.01%)    198.76
   http(s)          206 (  0.00%)           272520 (  0.00%)   1322.91
   http(c)          101 (  0.00%)            11663 (  0.00%)    115.48
   smtp             260 (  0.00%)           120669 (  0.00%)    464.11
   pop3              28 (  0.00%)             2856 (  0.00%)    102.00
   ssh                1 (  0.00%)               74 (  0.00%)     74.00
   bgp               63 (  0.00%)             6549 (  0.00%)    103.95
   other           2663 (  0.02%)           245953 (  0.00%)     92.36
  udp6            11475 (  0.08%)          2138017 (  0.03%)    186.32
   dns            11415 (  0.08%)          2130409 (  0.03%)    186.63
   other             60 (  0.00%)             7608 (  0.00%)    126.80
  icmp6            6938 (  0.05%)           762290 (  0.01%)    109.87
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00

tcpdump file: 200802111400.dump.gz (357.39 MB)