Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200807251400.dump
FileSize: 1424.43MB
Id: 200807251400
StartTime: Fri Jul 25 14:00:00 2008
EndTime: Fri Jul 25 14:15:00 2008
TotalTime: 900.11 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1116.45MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 20182845 (13090.31MB)
AvgRate: 122.02Mbps stddev:29.11M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 666891 (avg. 30.26 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
2.1% 1.8% 1.7% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 371606
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
8.7% 6.1% 4.6% 3.9% 3.3% 3.1% 2.2% 2.2% 2.1% 1.9%
# of IPv6 addresses: 910
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
14.3% 12.1% 10.8% 10.8% 7.0% 6.2% 6.0% 5.9% 3.7% 3.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    4821035
 [   64-  127]:    5077796
 [  128-  255]:     825333
 [  256-  511]:     505056
 [  512- 1023]:     590388
 [ 1024- 2047]:    8363237

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         20182845 (100.00%)      13726188964 (100.00%)    680.09
 ip            20144971 ( 99.81%)      13720123815 ( 99.96%)    681.07
  tcp          17727071 ( 87.83%)      13225832713 ( 96.35%)    746.08
   http(s)      7684724 ( 38.08%)      10051718177 ( 73.23%)   1308.01
   http(c)      4681089 ( 23.19%)        479478107 (  3.49%)    102.43
   squid         298914 (  1.48%)        107897043 (  0.79%)    360.96
   smtp          652856 (  3.23%)        168763841 (  1.23%)    258.50
   nntp              19 (  0.00%)             1554 (  0.00%)     81.79
   ftp           241567 (  1.20%)        192766314 (  1.40%)    797.98
   pop3           38045 (  0.19%)         19288536 (  0.14%)    506.99
   imap            9256 (  0.05%)          4951882 (  0.04%)    534.99
   telnet          1712 (  0.01%)           183576 (  0.00%)    107.23
   ssh          1097359 (  5.44%)        325506440 (  2.37%)    296.63
   dns             2720 (  0.01%)           220573 (  0.00%)     81.09
   bgp              214 (  0.00%)            74319 (  0.00%)    347.29
   napster         1356 (  0.01%)           986459 (  0.01%)    727.48
   rtsp          196513 (  0.97%)        189545797 (  1.38%)    964.55
   icecast         2304 (  0.01%)           286200 (  0.00%)    124.22
   hotline           21 (  0.00%)             5778 (  0.00%)    275.14
   other        2818400 ( 13.96%)       1684157997 ( 12.27%)    597.56
  udp           1808694 (  8.96%)        411155454 (  3.00%)    227.32
   dns          1028523 (  5.10%)        174922542 (  1.27%)    170.07
   realaud         6278 (  0.03%)          2698451 (  0.02%)    429.83
   halflif           20 (  0.00%)             2945 (  0.00%)    147.25
   starcra           42 (  0.00%)             7876 (  0.00%)    187.52
   everque           55 (  0.00%)             8138 (  0.00%)    147.96
   unreal            17 (  0.00%)             2041 (  0.00%)    120.06
   quake             24 (  0.00%)             3974 (  0.00%)    165.58
   cuseeme            8 (  0.00%)              732 (  0.00%)     91.50
   other         773712 (  3.83%)        233504490 (  1.70%)    301.80
  icmp           498701 (  2.47%)         47584149 (  0.35%)     95.42
  ipip              331 (  0.00%)            39181 (  0.00%)    118.37
  ipsec            3249 (  0.02%)           516734 (  0.00%)    159.04
  ip6              1009 (  0.00%)           122433 (  0.00%)    121.34
  other          105916 (  0.52%)         34873151 (  0.25%)    329.25
  frag             1973 (  0.01%)          1539838 (  0.01%)    780.46
 ip6              37874 (  0.19%)          6065149 (  0.04%)    160.14
  tcp6            14579 (  0.07%)          2499219 (  0.02%)    171.43
   http(s)          467 (  0.00%)           520622 (  0.00%)   1114.82
   http(c)         9499 (  0.05%)           844860 (  0.01%)     88.94
   smtp             168 (  0.00%)            52006 (  0.00%)    309.56
   pop3              42 (  0.00%)             4594 (  0.00%)    109.38
   ssh              893 (  0.00%)           749146 (  0.01%)    838.91
   dns               12 (  0.00%)             2436 (  0.00%)    203.00
   bgp             1322 (  0.01%)           107883 (  0.00%)     81.61
   other           2176 (  0.01%)           217672 (  0.00%)    100.03
  udp6            17563 (  0.09%)          2778022 (  0.02%)    158.17
   dns            17542 (  0.09%)          2775712 (  0.02%)    158.23
   other             21 (  0.00%)             2310 (  0.00%)    110.00
  icmp6            5701 (  0.03%)           783692 (  0.01%)    137.47
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00

tcpdump file: 200807251400.dump.gz (506.00 MB)