Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 200908171400.dump
FileSize: 1699.35MB
Id: 200908171400
StartTime: Mon Aug 17 14:00:01 2009
EndTime: Mon Aug 17 14:15:01 2009
TotalTime: 900.16 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1319.79MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 24873875 (16247.46MB)
AvgRate: 151.38Mbps stddev:21.92M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 1121566 (avg. 22.18 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
8.9% 3.8% 2.0% 1.7% 1.2% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 680920
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
10.6% 9.8% 9.1% 5.2% 5.1% 4.8% 3.9% 3.9% 2.9% 2.7%
# of IPv6 addresses: 916
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
17.4% 13.8% 13.8% 11.6% 11.6% 7.1% 5.6% 5.4% 5.1% 4.4%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    6474749
 [   64-  127]:    5343272
 [  128-  255]:    1034143
 [  256-  511]:     677378
 [  512- 1023]:     734004
 [ 1024- 2047]:   10610329

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         24873875 (100.00%)      17036692128 (100.00%)    684.92
 ip            24846124 ( 99.89%)      17031243987 ( 99.97%)    685.47
  tcp          19790574 ( 79.56%)      15155671862 ( 88.96%)    765.80
   http(s)      7271740 ( 29.23%)       8813946294 ( 51.74%)   1212.08
   http(c)      5353546 ( 21.52%)       2452893341 ( 14.40%)    458.18
   squid         620082 (  2.49%)        168503569 (  0.99%)    271.74
   smtp          267842 (  1.08%)         49611940 (  0.29%)    185.23
   ftp           109438 (  0.44%)         80986240 (  0.48%)    740.02
   pop3          104055 (  0.42%)         11879282 (  0.07%)    114.16
   imap            2426 (  0.01%)          1109584 (  0.01%)    457.37
   telnet           211 (  0.00%)            19683 (  0.00%)     93.28
   ssh           100887 (  0.41%)         11942274 (  0.07%)    118.37
   dns             6376 (  0.03%)          6744399 (  0.04%)   1057.78
   bgp              135 (  0.00%)            42346 (  0.00%)    313.67
   napster         7710 (  0.03%)         10734280 (  0.06%)   1392.25
   realaud          321 (  0.00%)            68674 (  0.00%)    213.94
   rtsp          270762 (  1.09%)         26406992 (  0.16%)     97.53
   icecast         3004 (  0.01%)           301469 (  0.00%)    100.36
   hotline            2 (  0.00%)              132 (  0.00%)     66.00
   other        5671769 ( 22.80%)       3520387180 ( 20.66%)    620.69
  udp           4380444 ( 17.61%)       1799744637 ( 10.56%)    410.86
   dns          1330749 (  5.35%)        217758458 (  1.28%)    163.64
   realaud           67 (  0.00%)            15161 (  0.00%)    226.28
   halflif           91 (  0.00%)            14580 (  0.00%)    160.22
   starcra          294 (  0.00%)            58003 (  0.00%)    197.29
   everque          198 (  0.00%)            41062 (  0.00%)    207.38
   unreal            50 (  0.00%)             9703 (  0.00%)    194.06
   quake             76 (  0.00%)             9197 (  0.00%)    121.01
   cuseeme           12 (  0.00%)             2950 (  0.00%)    245.83
   other        3048424 ( 12.26%)       1581659420 (  9.28%)    518.84
  icmp           638922 (  2.57%)         50927540 (  0.30%)     79.71
  ipip              288 (  0.00%)            33452 (  0.00%)    116.15
  ipsec              60 (  0.00%)             9480 (  0.00%)    158.00
  ip6             25151 (  0.10%)         21712234 (  0.13%)    863.28
  other           10685 (  0.04%)          3144782 (  0.02%)    294.32
  frag             9963 (  0.04%)          9581478 (  0.06%)    961.71
 ip6              27751 (  0.11%)          5448141 (  0.03%)    196.32
  tcp6            14189 (  0.06%)          2860773 (  0.02%)    201.62
   http(s)          611 (  0.00%)           831451 (  0.00%)   1360.80
   http(c)        10800 (  0.04%)           942086 (  0.01%)     87.23
   smtp            1972 (  0.01%)           996671 (  0.01%)    505.41
   ssh               33 (  0.00%)             8358 (  0.00%)    253.27
   dns                6 (  0.00%)             2597 (  0.00%)    432.83
   bgp              130 (  0.00%)            18980 (  0.00%)    146.00
   other            637 (  0.00%)            60630 (  0.00%)     95.18
  udp6            10394 (  0.04%)          2198098 (  0.01%)    211.48
   dns            10378 (  0.04%)          2196338 (  0.01%)    211.63
   other             16 (  0.00%)             1760 (  0.00%)    110.00
  icmp6            3112 (  0.01%)           362885 (  0.00%)    116.61
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6             26 (  0.00%)            22305 (  0.00%)    857.88

tcpdump file: 200908171400.dump.gz (607.30 MB)