Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201104131400.dump
FileSize: 2478.09MB
Id: 201104131400
StartTime: Wed Apr 13 14:00:00 2011
EndTime: Wed Apr 13 14:15:00 2011
TotalTime: 899.41 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1911.20MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 37150988 (29948.09MB)
AvgRate: 297.45Mbps stddev:179.17M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 843296 (avg. 44.05 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
15.4% 8.7% 3.7% 2.4% 2.2% 1.6% 1.5% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 437636
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
30.3% 15.5% 8.9% 8.8% 6.9% 4.7% 3.7% 3.2% 2.8% 2.5%
# of IPv6 addresses: 4836
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
30.8% 30.1% 30.1% 29.1% 6.2% 5.7% 3.7% 3.5% 3.5% 3.1%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    6641504
 [   64-  127]:    6810069
 [  128-  255]:    1612212
 [  256-  511]:    1064071
 [  512- 1023]:    1828637
 [ 1024- 2047]:   19194495

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         37150988 (100.00%)      31402851622 (100.00%)    845.28
 ip            36922000 ( 99.38%)      31278919423 ( 99.61%)    847.16
  tcp          22945047 ( 61.76%)      17562447920 ( 55.93%)    765.41
   http(s)     10222376 ( 27.52%)      13446682435 ( 42.82%)   1315.42
   http(c)      6294761 ( 16.94%)       1147191966 (  3.65%)    182.25
   squid         385663 (  1.04%)        110642127 (  0.35%)    286.89
   smtp          142775 (  0.38%)         81059326 (  0.26%)    567.74
   nntp              64 (  0.00%)             4056 (  0.00%)     63.38
   ftp            14162 (  0.04%)          1299495 (  0.00%)     91.76
   pop3           17494 (  0.05%)          6828516 (  0.02%)    390.33
   imap            7521 (  0.02%)          5532889 (  0.02%)    735.66
   telnet          2722 (  0.01%)           660583 (  0.00%)    242.68
   ssh            32866 (  0.09%)         13774788 (  0.04%)    419.12
   dns            12843 (  0.03%)          1311037 (  0.00%)    102.08
   bgp              515 (  0.00%)            99148 (  0.00%)    192.52
   napster          370 (  0.00%)            27620 (  0.00%)     74.65
   realaud           59 (  0.00%)             6640 (  0.00%)    112.54
   rtsp           53892 (  0.15%)         57715892 (  0.18%)   1070.95
   icecast        92552 (  0.25%)         77628862 (  0.25%)    838.76
   hotline            7 (  0.00%)             1189 (  0.00%)    169.86
   other        5664403 ( 15.25%)       2611981195 (  8.32%)    461.12
  udp          12355791 ( 33.26%)      13122302557 ( 41.79%)   1062.04
   dns           720254 (  1.94%)        159376579 (  0.51%)    221.28
   rip              192 (  0.00%)           266784 (  0.00%)   1389.50
   realaud          273 (  0.00%)           278330 (  0.00%)   1019.52
   halflif           28 (  0.00%)             2903 (  0.00%)    103.68
   starcra          273 (  0.00%)           339127 (  0.00%)   1242.22
   everque          446 (  0.00%)           370539 (  0.00%)    830.80
   unreal            38 (  0.00%)             6126 (  0.00%)    161.21
   quake            427 (  0.00%)           536854 (  0.00%)   1257.27
   cuseeme            6 (  0.00%)              826 (  0.00%)    137.67
   other       11598325 ( 31.22%)      12944099671 ( 41.22%)   1116.03
  icmp           424275 (  1.14%)         73472808 (  0.23%)    173.17
  ipip              173 (  0.00%)            18022 (  0.00%)    104.17
  ipsec            5589 (  0.02%)          1550946 (  0.00%)    277.50
  ip6           1174157 (  3.16%)        512351252 (  1.63%)    436.36
  other           16968 (  0.05%)          6775918 (  0.02%)    399.34
  frag          6871503 ( 18.50%)       9515758931 ( 30.30%)   1384.81
 ip6             228988 (  0.62%)        123932199 (  0.39%)    541.22
  tcp6           163406 (  0.44%)        108571280 (  0.35%)    664.43
   http(s)         2345 (  0.01%)          2827420 (  0.01%)   1205.72
   http(c)        59491 (  0.16%)          5133215 (  0.02%)     86.29
   squid              8 (  0.00%)              680 (  0.00%)     85.00
   smtp             298 (  0.00%)           209197 (  0.00%)    702.00
   ftp               70 (  0.00%)             6252 (  0.00%)     89.31
   ssh               38 (  0.00%)             7642 (  0.00%)    201.11
   dns              218 (  0.00%)            49320 (  0.00%)    226.24
   bgp               87 (  0.00%)            15371 (  0.00%)    176.68
   other         100851 (  0.27%)        100322183 (  0.32%)    994.76
  udp6            39557 (  0.11%)         10855039 (  0.03%)    274.42
   dns            33944 (  0.09%)          9879974 (  0.03%)    291.07
   realaud            1 (  0.00%)              101 (  0.00%)    101.00
   unreal             2 (  0.00%)              223 (  0.00%)    111.50
   other           5610 (  0.02%)           974741 (  0.00%)    173.75
  icmp6           23903 (  0.06%)          3050318 (  0.01%)    127.61
  ip6                74 (  0.00%)            10182 (  0.00%)    137.59
  pim6               28 (  0.00%)             3808 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           2020 (  0.01%)          1441572 (  0.00%)    713.65

tcpdump file: 201104131400.dump.gz (803.69 MB)