Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201202161400.dump
FileSize: 3620.68MB
Id: 201202161400
StartTime: Thu Feb 16 14:00:00 2012
EndTime: Thu Feb 16 14:15:01 2012
TotalTime: 900.49 seconds
TotalCapSize: -1252.42MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 50927407 (35768.10MB)
AvgRate: 333.22Mbps stddev:52.01M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 1472710 (avg. 34.58 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
10.8% 4.7% 4.1% 4.0% 2.0% 1.2% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 930477
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
25.7% 17.3% 11.1% 5.5% 5.1% 5.0% 4.8% 4.2% 4.1% 3.6%
# of IPv6 addresses: 4783
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
38.6% 38.6% 23.7% 12.3% 7.3% 5.7% 3.8% 3.7% 2.9% 2.8%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:   12157386
 [   64-  127]:   11587854
 [  128-  255]:    1670286
 [  256-  511]:    1172233
 [  512- 1023]:    1061428
 [ 1024- 2047]:   23278220

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         50927407 (100.00%)      37505575081 (100.00%)    736.45
 ip            50715291 ( 99.58%)      37387345367 ( 99.68%)    737.20
  tcp          42012947 ( 82.50%)      34523190043 ( 92.05%)    821.73
   http(s)     15878224 ( 31.18%)      21187020929 ( 56.49%)   1334.34
   http(c)     12167893 ( 23.89%)       3154423238 (  8.41%)    259.24
   squid         117651 (  0.23%)         69583705 (  0.19%)    591.44
   smtp           74952 (  0.15%)         32001330 (  0.09%)    426.96
   nntp               1 (  0.00%)               66 (  0.00%)     66.00
   ftp            13444 (  0.03%)          1231510 (  0.00%)     91.60
   pop3            4827 (  0.01%)          2218140 (  0.01%)    459.53
   imap            1464 (  0.00%)           501669 (  0.00%)    342.67
   telnet        113158 (  0.22%)          8298693 (  0.02%)     73.34
   ssh            15923 (  0.03%)          5602817 (  0.01%)    351.87
   dns            23879 (  0.05%)          5132446 (  0.01%)    214.94
   bgp              651 (  0.00%)           129831 (  0.00%)    199.43
   napster         1358 (  0.00%)            84948 (  0.00%)     62.55
   realaud           23 (  0.00%)             3784 (  0.00%)    164.52
   rtsp           20111 (  0.04%)         25154574 (  0.07%)   1250.79
   icecast        56453 (  0.11%)         32775888 (  0.09%)    580.59
   hotline           55 (  0.00%)             3905 (  0.00%)     71.00
   other       13522880 ( 26.55%)       9999022570 ( 26.66%)    739.42
  udp           4787827 (  9.40%)       1465390695 (  3.91%)    306.07
   dns           527569 (  1.04%)        122526031 (  0.33%)    232.25
   rip                1 (  0.00%)               69 (  0.00%)     69.00
   realaud           15 (  0.00%)             1366 (  0.00%)     91.07
   halflif           17 (  0.00%)             2014 (  0.00%)    118.47
   starcra           38 (  0.00%)             3812 (  0.00%)    100.32
   everque         1034 (  0.00%)           719839 (  0.00%)    696.17
   unreal             3 (  0.00%)              232 (  0.00%)     77.33
   quake              8 (  0.00%)             1472 (  0.00%)    184.00
   cuseeme            8 (  0.00%)             1367 (  0.00%)    170.88
   other        4259053 (  8.36%)       1342061821 (  3.58%)    315.11
  icmp          1023177 (  2.01%)        106011344 (  0.28%)    103.61
  ipip              185 (  0.00%)            19270 (  0.00%)    104.16
  ipsec           17937 (  0.04%)          3540326 (  0.01%)    197.38
  ip6           2866281 (  5.63%)       1286520442 (  3.43%)    448.85
  other            6937 (  0.01%)          2673247 (  0.01%)    385.36
  frag              410 (  0.00%)           485680 (  0.00%)   1184.59
 ip6             212116 (  0.42%)        118229714 (  0.32%)    557.38
  tcp6           122806 (  0.24%)         96630385 (  0.26%)    786.85
   http(s)        27482 (  0.05%)         35749799 (  0.10%)   1300.84
   http(c)        36576 (  0.07%)          3189185 (  0.01%)     87.19
   squid              3 (  0.00%)              246 (  0.00%)     82.00
   smtp            1202 (  0.00%)          1604272 (  0.00%)   1334.67
   ftp               26 (  0.00%)             2053 (  0.00%)     78.96
   dns              397 (  0.00%)            78266 (  0.00%)    197.14
   bgp               92 (  0.00%)            17334 (  0.00%)    188.41
   other          57028 (  0.11%)         55989230 (  0.15%)    981.78
  udp6            62585 (  0.12%)         16566884 (  0.04%)    264.71
   dns            61655 (  0.12%)         16443622 (  0.04%)    266.70
   realaud            2 (  0.00%)              201 (  0.00%)    100.50
   halflif            1 (  0.00%)              105 (  0.00%)    105.00
   cuseeme            1 (  0.00%)              109 (  0.00%)    109.00
   other            926 (  0.00%)           122847 (  0.00%)    132.66
  icmp6           25983 (  0.05%)          4391346 (  0.01%)    169.01
  ip6                84 (  0.00%)            11412 (  0.00%)    135.86
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6            627 (  0.00%)           625471 (  0.00%)    997.56

tcpdump file: 201202161400.dump.gz (1230.23 MB)