Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201203061400.dump
FileSize: 2092.03MB
Id: 201203061400
StartTime: Tue Mar 6 14:00:00 2012
EndTime: Tue Mar 6 14:15:00 2012
TotalTime: 899.73 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1654.12MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 28698033 (19675.78MB)
AvgRate: 183.43Mbps stddev:42.29M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 802045 (avg. 35.78 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
3.1% 2.4% 2.0% 1.5% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 477967
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
11.5% 5.7% 5.6% 4.2% 3.9% 3.7% 3.2% 3.2% 3.1% 2.9%
# of IPv6 addresses: 5898
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
36.9% 22.4% 20.1% 14.0% 11.5% 8.4% 7.1% 4.8% 3.0% 2.7%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    5328516
 [   64-  127]:    7584762
 [  128-  255]:    1573446
 [  256-  511]:     857154
 [  512- 1023]:     889810
 [ 1024- 2047]:   12464345

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         28698033 (100.00%)      20631547424 (100.00%)    718.92
 ip            28329498 ( 98.72%)      20443926772 ( 99.09%)    721.65
  tcp          23964753 ( 83.51%)      18759909943 ( 90.93%)    782.81
   http(s)     10763368 ( 37.51%)      14412823694 ( 69.86%)   1339.06
   http(c)      6229663 ( 21.71%)       1102467500 (  5.34%)    176.97
   squid         720658 (  2.51%)        769440296 (  3.73%)   1067.69
   smtp          115147 (  0.40%)         56380101 (  0.27%)    489.64
   ftp            22285 (  0.08%)         11731615 (  0.06%)    526.44
   pop3           16224 (  0.06%)         11663501 (  0.06%)    718.90
   imap            2618 (  0.01%)           832959 (  0.00%)    318.17
   telnet          2152 (  0.01%)           178668 (  0.00%)     83.02
   ssh          2499630 (  8.71%)        410931488 (  1.99%)    164.40
   dns            15246 (  0.05%)          3927938 (  0.02%)    257.64
   bgp              689 (  0.00%)           170947 (  0.00%)    248.11
   napster           81 (  0.00%)             5274 (  0.00%)     65.11
   realaud           15 (  0.00%)              994 (  0.00%)     66.27
   rtsp           15500 (  0.05%)         19313390 (  0.09%)   1246.03
   icecast        80797 (  0.28%)         51010665 (  0.25%)    631.34
   hotline           11 (  0.00%)              780 (  0.00%)     70.91
   other        3480669 ( 12.13%)       1909030133 (  9.25%)    548.47
  udp           2144037 (  7.47%)        863300815 (  4.18%)    402.65
   dns           621199 (  2.16%)        144409556 (  0.70%)    232.47
   rip                3 (  0.00%)              272 (  0.00%)     90.67
   realaud            7 (  0.00%)              594 (  0.00%)     84.86
   halflif           50 (  0.00%)             8481 (  0.00%)    169.62
   starcra           16 (  0.00%)             2516 (  0.00%)    157.25
   everque         3140 (  0.01%)          2963224 (  0.01%)    943.70
   unreal            11 (  0.00%)             2091 (  0.00%)    190.09
   quake             10 (  0.00%)             1009 (  0.00%)    100.90
   cuseeme            3 (  0.00%)              248 (  0.00%)     82.67
   other        1519556 (  5.29%)        715889559 (  3.47%)    471.12
  icmp           597147 (  2.08%)         60709678 (  0.29%)    101.67
  ipip              184 (  0.00%)            19160 (  0.00%)    104.13
  ipsec          105588 (  0.37%)         21120888 (  0.10%)    200.03
  ip6           1499079 (  5.22%)        725246289 (  3.52%)    483.79
  other           18710 (  0.07%)         13619999 (  0.07%)    727.95
  frag            18357 (  0.06%)         13664725 (  0.07%)    744.39
 ip6             368535 (  1.28%)        187620652 (  0.91%)    509.10
  tcp6           206949 (  0.72%)         90179513 (  0.44%)    435.76
   http(s)        27670 (  0.10%)         36506303 (  0.18%)   1319.35
   http(c)        72206 (  0.25%)          6102785 (  0.03%)     84.52
   smtp             125 (  0.00%)            78658 (  0.00%)    629.26
   ftp               25 (  0.00%)             2307 (  0.00%)     92.28
   ssh              497 (  0.00%)           135142 (  0.00%)    271.92
   dns              375 (  0.00%)            70637 (  0.00%)    188.37
   bgp               92 (  0.00%)            15188 (  0.00%)    165.09
   other         105959 (  0.37%)         47268493 (  0.23%)    446.10
  udp6           132995 (  0.46%)         89533619 (  0.43%)    673.21
   dns            67506 (  0.24%)         19177810 (  0.09%)    284.09
   everque            1 (  0.00%)              117 (  0.00%)    117.00
   quake              2 (  0.00%)              208 (  0.00%)    104.00
   other          65486 (  0.23%)         70355484 (  0.34%)   1074.36
  icmp6           22219 (  0.08%)          3324754 (  0.02%)    149.64
  ip6                85 (  0.00%)            11580 (  0.00%)    136.24
  pim6               31 (  0.00%)             4216 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           6256 (  0.02%)          4566970 (  0.02%)    730.01

tcpdump file: 201203061400.dump.gz (721.55 MB)