Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201207081400.dump
FileSize: 1924.16MB
Id: 201207081400
StartTime: Sun Jul 8 14:00:00 2012
EndTime: Sun Jul 8 14:15:01 2012
TotalTime: 900.76 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1507.08MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 27333358 (22088.18MB)
AvgRate: 205.67Mbps stddev:62.67M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 2013694 (avg. 13.57 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
4.2% 2.2% 1.4% 1.4% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 1548720
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
22.9% 16.8% 7.0% 5.0% 4.4% 3.1% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.4%
# of IPv6 addresses: 6036
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
13.8% 13.8% 11.8% 6.1% 6.1% 6.0% 5.7% 5.2% 4.0% 3.4%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    5147693
 [   64-  127]:    5404555
 [  128-  255]:     817729
 [  256-  511]:     555524
 [  512- 1023]:     878408
 [ 1024- 2047]:   14529449

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         27333358 (100.00%)      23161133989 (100.00%)    847.36
 ip            26735627 ( 97.81%)      22695213399 ( 97.99%)    848.88
  tcp          20861004 ( 76.32%)      20201584947 ( 87.22%)    968.39
   http(s)     12618666 ( 46.17%)      17638542454 ( 76.16%)   1397.81
   http(c)      5201075 ( 19.03%)        717300181 (  3.10%)    137.91
   squid          26492 (  0.10%)         11494142 (  0.05%)    433.87
   smtp           38194 (  0.14%)          7902548 (  0.03%)    206.91
   nntp               7 (  0.00%)              434 (  0.00%)     62.00
   ftp            13320 (  0.05%)          1512603 (  0.01%)    113.56
   pop3            4982 (  0.02%)          5710099 (  0.02%)   1146.15
   imap            3691 (  0.01%)          1929059 (  0.01%)    522.64
   telnet          6562 (  0.02%)           509485 (  0.00%)     77.64
   ssh            37507 (  0.14%)          4484057 (  0.02%)    119.55
   dns             1502 (  0.01%)           224653 (  0.00%)    149.57
   bgp              597 (  0.00%)           171928 (  0.00%)    287.99
   napster           50 (  0.00%)             4443 (  0.00%)     88.86
   rtsp             164 (  0.00%)            53465 (  0.00%)    326.01
   icecast        47518 (  0.17%)          2890210 (  0.01%)     60.82
   hotline            1 (  0.00%)               74 (  0.00%)     74.00
   other        2860676 ( 10.47%)       1808855112 (  7.81%)    632.32
  udp           3236898 ( 11.84%)       1657776373 (  7.16%)    512.15
   dns           493408 (  1.81%)        281917042 (  1.22%)    571.37
   realaud           13 (  0.00%)             2146 (  0.00%)    165.08
   halflif           22 (  0.00%)             2427 (  0.00%)    110.32
   starcra           24 (  0.00%)             4013 (  0.00%)    167.21
   everque           81 (  0.00%)            18411 (  0.00%)    227.30
   unreal            57 (  0.00%)            22866 (  0.00%)    401.16
   quake             31 (  0.00%)             6868 (  0.00%)    221.55
   cuseeme            6 (  0.00%)              808 (  0.00%)    134.67
   other        2742906 ( 10.04%)       1375724975 (  5.94%)    501.56
  icmp          1482073 (  5.42%)        163665352 (  0.71%)    110.43
  ipip              185 (  0.00%)            19270 (  0.00%)    104.16
  ipsec            1036 (  0.00%)           330744 (  0.00%)    319.25
  ip6           1122887 (  4.11%)        665223957 (  2.87%)    592.42
  pim                31 (  0.00%)             1860 (  0.00%)     60.00
  other           31513 (  0.12%)          6610896 (  0.03%)    209.78
  frag           231909 (  0.85%)        261669294 (  1.13%)   1128.33
 ip6             597731 (  2.19%)        465920590 (  2.01%)    779.48
  tcp6           502587 (  1.84%)        424311482 (  1.83%)    844.25
   http(s)       326185 (  1.19%)        340589018 (  1.47%)   1044.16
   http(c)       102238 (  0.37%)          9635714 (  0.04%)     94.25
   smtp             668 (  0.00%)           167124 (  0.00%)    250.19
   ftp              149 (  0.00%)            16242 (  0.00%)    109.01
   ssh                4 (  0.00%)              392 (  0.00%)     98.00
   dns               32 (  0.00%)            11162 (  0.00%)    348.81
   bgp              106 (  0.00%)            28907 (  0.00%)    272.71
   icecast            3 (  0.00%)              254 (  0.00%)     84.67
   other          73202 (  0.27%)         73862669 (  0.32%)   1009.03
  udp6            38473 (  0.14%)         11595381 (  0.05%)    301.39
   dns            32719 (  0.12%)          9650128 (  0.04%)    294.94
   halflif            1 (  0.00%)              110 (  0.00%)    110.00
   starcra            1 (  0.00%)               99 (  0.00%)     99.00
   other           5752 (  0.02%)          1945044 (  0.01%)    338.15
  icmp6           17942 (  0.07%)          2752532 (  0.01%)    153.41
  ip6                84 (  0.00%)            11412 (  0.00%)    135.86
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6          38615 (  0.14%)         27245703 (  0.12%)    705.57

tcpdump file: 201207081400.dump.gz (604.60 MB)