Traffic Trace Info

DumpFile: 201208221400.dump
FileSize: 2597.62MB
Id: 201208221400
StartTime: Wed Aug 22 14:00:00 2012
EndTime: Wed Aug 22 14:15:01 2012
TotalTime: 900.38 seconds
TotalCapSize: 1988.69MB CapLen: 96 bytes
# of packets: 39906316 (25479.99MB)
AvgRate: 237.39Mbps stddev:55.24M

IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information

# of flows: 1922935 (avg. 20.75 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
5.2% 2.1% 2.0% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7%

IP address Information

# of IPv4 addresses: 1491335
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
12.1% 12.1% 10.0% 7.7% 5.4% 5.2% 4.8% 4.8% 4.7% 4.2%
# of IPv6 addresses: 7041
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
18.7% 8.5% 7.0% 6.2% 5.5% 5.1% 3.8% 3.8% 3.7% 2.9%

Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers)

[packet size distribution]
detailed numbers
 [   32-   63]:    3974166
 [   64-  127]:    6702683
 [  128-  255]:    1904847
 [  256-  511]:     859912
 [  512- 1023]:   14790017
 [ 1024- 2047]:   11674691

Protocol Breakdown

[protocol breakdown chart]

     protocol		packets			bytes		bytes/pkt
 total         39906316 (100.00%)      26717706120 (100.00%)    669.51
 ip            39316734 ( 98.52%)      26282812933 ( 98.37%)    668.49
  tcp          16286573 ( 40.81%)      14698475331 ( 55.01%)    902.49
   http(s)      9478509 ( 23.75%)      12336783071 ( 46.17%)   1301.55
   http(c)      4716529 ( 11.82%)       1113845237 (  4.17%)    236.16
   squid          22512 (  0.06%)         10779873 (  0.04%)    478.85
   smtp           52809 (  0.13%)         17086957 (  0.06%)    323.56
   ftp             3329 (  0.01%)           297060 (  0.00%)     89.23
   pop3            4427 (  0.01%)          1455257 (  0.01%)    328.72
   imap            3812 (  0.01%)          1740773 (  0.01%)    456.66
   telnet          3046 (  0.01%)           246002 (  0.00%)     80.76
   ssh             9581 (  0.02%)          3275031 (  0.01%)    341.83
   dns             1376 (  0.00%)           223259 (  0.00%)    162.25
   bgp              643 (  0.00%)           113597 (  0.00%)    176.67
   napster           19 (  0.00%)             1146 (  0.00%)     60.32
   realaud          129 (  0.00%)            14528 (  0.00%)    112.62
   rtsp            8964 (  0.02%)         11598975 (  0.04%)   1293.95
   icecast          937 (  0.00%)           155644 (  0.00%)    166.11
   hotline           68 (  0.00%)             4542 (  0.00%)     66.79
   other        1979883 (  4.96%)       1200854379 (  4.49%)    606.53
  udp          19886235 ( 49.83%)      10464188138 ( 39.17%)    526.20
   dns           590376 (  1.48%)        123098074 (  0.46%)    208.51
   rip         15872150 ( 39.77%)       8042155506 ( 30.10%)    506.68
   realaud           17 (  0.00%)             1600 (  0.00%)     94.12
   halflif           28 (  0.00%)             4215 (  0.00%)    150.54
   starcra           52 (  0.00%)             4701 (  0.00%)     90.40
   everque          595 (  0.00%)            64539 (  0.00%)    108.47
   unreal            19 (  0.00%)             1836 (  0.00%)     96.63
   quake             14 (  0.00%)             1053 (  0.00%)     75.21
   cuseeme            4 (  0.00%)              374 (  0.00%)     93.50
   other        3422914 (  8.58%)       2298812088 (  8.60%)    671.60
  icmp          1540942 (  3.86%)        169274671 (  0.63%)    109.85
  ipip              185 (  0.00%)            19270 (  0.00%)    104.16
  ipsec           12015 (  0.03%)          4830474 (  0.02%)    402.04
  ip6           1519471 (  3.81%)        927068595 (  3.47%)    610.13
  pim                87 (  0.00%)             5220 (  0.00%)     60.00
  other           71226 (  0.18%)         18951234 (  0.07%)    266.07
  frag             1891 (  0.00%)          1481772 (  0.01%)    783.59
 ip6             589582 (  1.48%)        434893187 (  1.63%)    737.63
  tcp6           482887 (  1.21%)        400345279 (  1.50%)    829.07
   http(s)       342872 (  0.86%)        355732016 (  1.33%)   1037.51
   http(c)        93433 (  0.23%)          9075567 (  0.03%)     97.13
   smtp             974 (  0.00%)           180891 (  0.00%)    185.72
   ftp             1545 (  0.00%)           153656 (  0.00%)     99.45
   ssh               12 (  0.00%)             1008 (  0.00%)     84.00
   dns               71 (  0.00%)            27841 (  0.00%)    392.13
   bgp               90 (  0.00%)            25129 (  0.00%)    279.21
   other          43890 (  0.11%)         35149171 (  0.13%)    800.85
  udp6            80985 (  0.20%)         29802952 (  0.11%)    368.01
   dns            54400 (  0.14%)         17233700 (  0.06%)    316.80
   quake              1 (  0.00%)              110 (  0.00%)    110.00
   other          26584 (  0.07%)         12569142 (  0.05%)    472.81
  icmp6           24392 (  0.06%)          3522962 (  0.01%)    144.43
  ip6                85 (  0.00%)            11530 (  0.00%)    135.65
  pim6               30 (  0.00%)             4080 (  0.00%)    136.00
  other6           1203 (  0.00%)          1206384 (  0.00%)   1002.81

tcpdump file: 201208221400.dump.gz (767.95 MB)